Organizational Power Endangers Freedom

Civil War 2020 Cognition David-daily Fundamentals

(Started November 30th, 2020)

Its four am, and I just endured, yet again, the gamut of TV “news.” I watched for the weather, and waiting before and after the weather, there was regular “programming.” Programming being particularly on point.

Covid covid covid covid. Covid covid covid covid! Up next, covid.

This, on a Fox affiliate. I do not dare even think of how the rest of the propagandists are spewing their programming. Its horrific already on Fox. (Fox 13, Tampa, Florida.) All of them in unison, all of them on the same programming task: fear pumping covid. Vacant smiles controlling the sheeple.

And the “sheeple” listen. Shit People. All praise holy covid.”

Organizational power endangers freedom.

When I saw in unison, the world over, especially notable bad people championing covid, I recognized World War Three. World War Three represents an escalation of hostilities that are always present, between: a) free people, and b) those who live to be God. The ever present aggression of narcissist against regular people. Of the takers against the producers. Of the liars against the realists. These type will always be here; they are a force of nature. Thus assertive vigilance is requisite to free living. Ideological coercion is requisite to imprisoning a free people. Ego driven ideological compliance from YOU, is requisite to YOU choosing to enslave yourself into the bad people’s lies, commonly known as ideology.

Mass media, what I call Hive Media, is wholly owned and operated by the bad people. Bad people I call Progressive Establishment Globalists. PEGs, for short, and for ridicule. Hive Media, both state and private, are controlled and utilized by these organized people, PEGs, to socially program societies into submission and obedience. Fake covid pandemic, fake systemic racism, fake gender WTF, fake police brutality, fake global warming. Each of these being an additional presupposition to tell you what to do.

Their term for it is: “A public/private cooperative of philanthropy.” No shit. And its no secret. There are many participating aggregations (organizations) of the power elite, many, but the two primary ones to examine are the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. They’ve been publishing their plans for us for years now.

Global communism, run by the governments and the global corporations of the world. All to farm us as their food. That’s no exaggeration either. Food. We are here for their consumption, according to these very bad people, the PEGs. Look at China, Hong Kong, then realize for us it will be worse.

Repurposed Organizations.

Nearly all things have been re-purposed to so called “social justice” causes. Sports is all BLM/anti-law enforcement. Hive Media is all covid, political fiction and information suppression. Internet sites too. Governments are now Gods, by way of the fake pandemic. Education is emphatically communistic and anti-American, anti-Christian.

Gender bullshit. Social justice bullshit. Law enforcement bullshit. Election bullshit. Religious bullshit (I got news for ya’ll Catholics, the Pope ain’t Catholic.). Education propaganda bullshit. All of it organized, into the lie and false promises of communist paradise. All of it actually giving the power elite absolute, aristocratic control over societies, the world over. Once again.

America has been an aberration from this state/establishment domination. A flawed aberration, but aberrant none the less. So we’ve got to go bye-bye.

PEGs’ desire for Godhood demands it. That’s all they want. To be something they can never be. God. They’re crazy and completely dangerous.

A blast from the past:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”—John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

I do not consider myself an exception—there are no exceptions. When power becomes sufficiently dominant, those with power hurt those without. This country was founded on the recognition of this simple law, the Law Of Humanity. An actual law, immutable and self-enforcing. Our natural desire to be God.

Absurd? Yes. True? Yes.

The Law Of Humanity: we are ego driven ideological maniacs with delusions of Godhood by nature, who can only be free by accepting and embracing our powerless mortal state, as made by God. The actual God. The God of bewilderment, not understanding.

Ego driven ideological living is natural. Spiritual living is super-natural.

We are God’s art, God’s performance. Living parts of God’s creation. Manifest reality. To throw words at it. Not God, nor gods.

We have a choice. Regardless of the choice we make, we are still powerless mortal beings. Precious by way of also being fleeting. That God will miss me, is who I care to be.

Are you an ego driven ideology? Or are you precious to God? You cannot be both.

About Liberty.

Authority distributes according to responsibility. Responsibility is the basis of liberty. This is why you cannot give up responsibility and keep your liberty. All of which is driven by value. What you care about; what you do not care about.

Lives are lived individually, not collectively. We have a diversity of values, unless we submit ourselves to the rule of others, pretending to adopt the values they tell us to value. Doing so disqualifies us as Americans. The purpose of Americanism is to be unguardedly sincere, not compliant to the commands of others.

Atomization of organizational powers.

Organizational power controlled by ego driven ideology is the problem. Insanities are in charge.

In order to remain safe, to protect our unguarded sincerity from the commands and demands of organizational power, we need to constrain organized powers. Responsibilities are the legal lingual demarcations of authority. No re-purposing. No mission creep. Not even on-point assumptions of authority where uninvited. Specifically regarding health. We are not public property.

Where aid is not solicited, responsibility is not to be assumed.

There will always be organizations controlled by ego driven ideology. What must be prevented is the concentration and exclusivity of these powers. Oligopolistic, monopolistic supply of inelastic goods and services. Sorry for the bookish words, but those are the words.

Our government (American government), was designed to constrain its powers. An atomization of organizational powers. Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial Branch.

These are atomized. House and Senate. Cabinets. Jurisdictions. Atomized and competitive. When they are merged and re-purposed, we’ll be back to feudal Europe. We’re pretty much seeing that right now. The swamp. The deep state collaborative of extra-legal collusion that favors the establishment, which is how and why it is called the “establishment.” They hold themselves above the law, being the very ones who are supposed to enforce it.

In commerce, take note of our experience and examples of the Robber Barrons of the 19th and 20th centuries. They use the criminal facilities of legalities (not law) to establish and maintain their monopolistic status. Legalities are political, and politics are always about doing the wrong thing. Yet enough people got sufficiently angry with these abuses, they changed those legalities to destroy those monopolies. They killed them. 🙂

We are again met with such people, more international now, and as corrupted as ever. These too need to be destroyed. They exist by way of legal criminality, and will die by legal reformation.

State governments are an atomization of government power, taking on like arrangements. These states are independent, and competitive. They are a brilliant arrangement and are know the world over for the diversity of culture here in America.

Presently we have a concerted effort most easily discovered by the public efforts of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, to fold ALL governance into a global communist state. We must kill these people; they are our mortal enemies.

The ultimate check on government power is supposed to be elections. But that was defeated nearly from the start, by political party organizations, re-orienting the loyalty and adherence of elected officials to these political organizations, and not the people themselves, unmolested.

These collapses of competition, these unifications of power, re-purposed to PEG objectives, namely Global Communism, are where we find ourselves in 2020. With the presuppositions to match.

World War Three.

Saving Private Ryan.

I live my life to honor our war dead. Our military, intelligence and first-responder societies. People who themselves are used and abused, all to fulfill their interest, their love for the well being of we the people. They serve, not rule. They see, they care, they give their lives for us. And Shit People shit on them for it. Shit People, not Americans. Hive Media, politicians, most of the legal community, corporate establishments.

Shit People are indoctrinated and used by the bad people, PEGs, to farm us.

This is no exaggeration on my part. I’ve no family, no wife, no kids. Damaged from my earliest memories, and sharpened by them, I doubt I’ll ever find love and home. My love of those who suffer and die for me, these service communities, are my life. My love is to complete the establishment of a legitimate America.

As an American, I’ll kill first, die second, before giving that up. Mostly, I kill. 🙂 I’m slaying right now. Clarity, unity, organization and action, applying power (that which is real) to lies. I’m not speaking truth to power. I’m applying power to lies.

Think about it. We fight wars to defeat people who are doing precisely what we are now doing to ourselves.

Sheeple, what’s up with that? Sheeple, not-Americans.

Recognize these organizational powers, and their subversive operations. Reject them entirely. Confront them. Defeat them. What’s more corrupt than global communism? Do you think you’ll have a life in such circumstances? They’re on us, dudes, and its on us to keep ourselves free.

Or die.

German Jews walked themselves into the death camps, by obeying social violences. Socially programmed, polite and submissive. Our situation is far worse, far more endangered than those in Nazi Germany. Oh, but its organized by one of its offspring, Klaus Schwab. No shit.

Organizations are not bad.

We organize to do things together that cannot be done alone. Organizations, like power, are not the problem. PEGs are. Organizational power kills freedom, when in the hands of PEGs. PEGs command and demand social compliance to their ideology. To stop this we must destroy them. The organizations. PEGs will always be here. They like us, are artifacts of God’s creation. Thus the unending need for vigilance and assertive acts.

We fight the violence of deception with clarity.

We fight the violence of manipulation with unity.

We fight the violence of physical altercation with crushing annihilation.

Clarity, unity, organization and action. America.

Are you an American or are you a Shit Person?

Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!

Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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