When You Are Not Offended By Lies

Civil War 2020 Fundamentals Must See

When you are not offended by lies, it is because you are a part of them.

A core quality of being an American, is that you call bullshit on bullshit. You don’t let it go. The whole point of journalism is the idea that with information, revelation, outrage follows and corrections are made.

But when people live absurd lives of fiction and ego, truth and revelations are outrageous, and lies are requisite. Journalism assumes an integrity—fidelity—to reality, and where that fails, journalism becomes a log of societal failure, rather than a means of social correction and adjustment.

This is where we are. And most people are too stupid and too scared to embrace reality. Reality being perfect. There is no working with such people, except to eliminate them from your life. And where they won’t leave you alone, such as government, eliminate them from life. Kill them.

Or surrender yourself as an obedient slave to their insanity.

Willful incompetence is the essence of evil.

I choose Americanism.


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