Promoting Incompetence For Subversion

Civil War 2020 Fundamentals

An utterly effective means of subverting an organization or project is to put its management into the hands of an incompetent person. This is subversion by surrogate. Your hands are off it, so long as no one looks at your work in getting the incompetent into said management position.

Such is the current (May 5th, 2021) situation in the American Federal government. The top three people in charge of the American Federal government, President, Vice President and Speaker of the House, are all wildly incompetent and insane. America’s enemies are in rapture. Progressive Establishment Globalists, PEGs. They did this by way of corruption and fraud, having stole the election, and now work to cover it up. The American Federal government is fully rouge.

How this remedies itself? Hell if I know. War is on us. If it moves from information into physical altercation, then it is going to be messy.

Ego driven fiction culture always is. Be American instead.
