There is a type of people of which I am not fond. Shit People. People not-American. I was a shit person who found his way into Americanism, and chose to become an American. But prior to that, my life as a shit person was not a good life. Never mind the trappings of selling my soul and integrity to “fit in” and “leave it alone.”
A requisite to being an American, is to call bullshit on bullshit. This means not fitting in—with shit people—and not leaving it alone. This is my coy way of pointing out that a requisite to being a Shit Person, aka not-American, is to never call bullshit on bullshit.
That’s half of it, the other half being the embrace, promotion and protection of said bullshit. You must submit yourself to the dominance of lies, and be controlled by those who tell them.
Fiction Culture.
The term for it is fiction culture. Fiction cults. Which is what not-Americans live under, and for. Stories that promise certainty, entitlement and control. Prima facie absurdities to those not living under a particular fiction, but ignored by those who are.
What that means is people living under and for fictitious promises are able to see and call the fakeness of other fictions, but not their own. They champion their own, rather than see it for the bullshit that it happens to be. This is their “belief system.”
The difference between American and not-American, is that Americans perceive, not decide. Not-Americans decide, not perceive. Americans reject the possibility of certainty, entitlement and control, whereas not-Americans demand it—even though these are not possible.
Cancel Culture.
Psshh… Cancel my ass. Cancel culture is nothing new, except as an explicit acknowledgment of its occurrence, which is good. Political correctness is the same thing. Its about selling your soul and integrity to “fit in” and “leave it alone.” To not call bullshit on bullshit. If you call bullshit on bullshit, you will be shunned! Cancelled! Oooohhhhwwww… Scary huh?
But guess what shit people? We Americans already reject you, as you are Shit People. Cancel that, fuckers.
On the down side though, fiction culture is utterly useful in capturing and controlling people, by way of social programming, with promises of certainty, entitlement and control. The three beastly weaknesses of mortal life.
Not-Americans want to be God. Americans illustrate that they are not.
Bad people, the psychopaths use not-Americans’ desire to be God to enslave them. Successfully too. Just read some history, and look at what’s going on right now. These are the dreaded Progressive Establishment Globalists, PEGs, who are fucking us over currently by way of the covid pandemic fiction cult. They seek to farm us by way of global communism, and to play (believe themselves to be) God. Not-Americans want the bullshit to be true, so they decide that it is.
Who are the Shit People?
Most people are shit people. Sorry. Also, too bad. There are (too) few Americans, even in America. My work is to improve that by presenting my own experience and understanding of Americanism. Part of explaining what an American is, is to explain what an American is not. A not-American. Shit People.
Naming one thing, that illustrates the vast difference between American and not-American, it is our relationship with God.
- Shit People (not-American) place their trust and confidence in their understanding of God.
- Americans place their faith and trust in God, not their understanding of God.
Americans do not look for, nor expect, certainty, entitlement or control. Not-Americans look for, and expect, certainty, entitlement and control.
That’s one hell of a difference.
Getting back to a “need” for certainty, entitlement and control. Shit People are intoxicated with the emotion of knowledge. Americans are mindful of experience and understanding, and recognize knowledge as an emotion, a dangerous emotion, of certainty, entitlement and control. Yes, knowledge is an emotion, not experience and understanding. I call it the emotion of religion.
American’s want and learn. Shit People dream and blame.
Americanism is isolating, but still better.
Having been in jail more than once, the thing I did not like about it most of all (shit food being a close second) is the un-avoidable contact I had with Shit People. Bullshit every where, nearly everyone. All of it demanding “respect.” Uh huh. Fuck you guys.
The nice thing about not being in jail, is that I get to choose, mostly, who I have contact with. And the more stringent things get in everyday society, the more ardent my choice to have less and less contact with Shit People. They are offensive, and doomed. They worship (whoreship?) not God, but their understanding of God. Themselves. To self-delude themselves of certainty, entitlement and control. They have no faith in God.
Is it any wonder then, my passion for Americanism, Americans and America? I don’t like being alone. Though I have always only ever been mostly alone.
My life is my own.
I “gave up” the idea of ever participating in “regular” life again. I would have to give up myself to do that. My life. Never again. My life is mine to live, for ME. Regular life isn’t worth it. I’m busy being an American, but thanks just the same. 🙂
Sincerity, goodwill and service are the pillars of my life now that I am an American. Not delusions of certainty, entitlement and control. I cannot be honest and not call bullshit on bullshit. I choose to keep my integrity.
So I don’t fit in with shit. How is that a bad thing? I am not a Shit Person. I chose to be an American.
Are you a Shit Person? Do you want to be an American?
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.