Just Notes For Today, August 10th, 2020


I’m working on a piece that originated from my morning meditation, but is harder to do, for me, then what I can do in a day. And now two days. Maybe tomorrow.?

So here’s a couple of things on my mind, that I’d love to see followed up in the comments.


Our lives arise out of the existence of our bodies, and good health. Noting about us is specifically alive, except our individual cells. Yet, we are not our cells, but the organization of these cells. We are literally, meta artifacts of biological existence. Mortal, fragile, short lived. Everything we’ll ever know, including our own children, and theirs, will at some point die and no longer exist.

So what is the point? We are truth and beauty, but so what? For me, the real question is: “What is our place in the continuum of eternity?” I define life as: “The fluorescence of God, through the living physics of empirical matter.” Seems to me that we are part of God’s existence, our part. So my answer to the question of our place in the continuum of eternity is: right here, right now. That’s the answer to the real question of life. The fact that we are not eternal, that we still love and laugh and care, in spite of our hopeless circumstances, well that’s value to God, who so far as we imagine, is omnipotent.

I choose to enjoy each and everyday, as best I can, and when I’m dead, what it that to me? I won’t even know I ever existed. My want is to be fondly remembered by God.


What is it, that is so hard for us to see and learn? Especially when we don’t like it? Reality is what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be. So when we are wrong, we can learn from being wrong. But if EGO is involved, well then, we were probably right, and someone, something else is to blame.

Ego is our naturally occurring inability to learn. You cannot learn from mistakes you choose to blame on others.

The Big Things in a Day:

There’s a near cliche, about not sweating the little things in life, and they’re all little things. Uh huh. Bullshit.

I go the other way, and no, not sex. I go that the little things are what matter in life, that the little things are big things because we value them. Also, so far as managing troubles, big things are seen and reckoned with. Little things though, can get you simply by being overlooked. So in trouble, the little things are the dangerous things, if we overlook them.

So far as enjoying the day, each and every day, I love much of my routine. Coffee in the morning, good meals—at least two, cigars, music, learning. I enjoy the needs of my cats, and were I not alone, I’d enjoy the companionship of my girlfriend/wife. Many of these are seen as little, but for me, even clean air in the dawn, these are priceless to me. Mine for the moment, all of us fleeting.


Have you ever heard of GNU/Linux? Its computers, networks, digital communication operations. Have you heard of Goggle? Youtube? Tesla? Amazon? Fakebook? Twitter? Yup. GNU/Linux. How about Android? GNU/Linux.

Have you ever seen an GNU/Linux machine for sale at the store or online? Probably not.

GNU/Linux is freely available, free of charge, so if you want it, all you have to do is get it from the Internet. I recommend Debian, but there are all sorts of distributions of GNU/Linux.

And it is easier to use than Windows or Apple. And all your applications are included. Applications to do work, play games, but not name branded things, with very few exceptions. Check it out. You can even make movies with it, lots of what you’ve seen was produced in part, of not wholly, by GNU/Linux. Here’s a taste: Spring – Blender Open Movie

<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠

Do be evil, be American.

Call bullshit on bullshit.

NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)

Don’t fail where it counts.

Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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