Bad People and Their Bullshit

Another Sunday come and gone, and America is still under Chinese Communist Party domination. More popularly know as the covid-19 pandemic hoax. Subversives are still pushing for more restrictions and to make them permanent, forever. “New normal” anyone? Even though we can now see that there was never a pandemic. Hive Media and their Progressive […]

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Stress Pushes You To Be Smarter Or Dumber

My experience and understanding of society is expanding. One good thing about our current mass hysteria, is that I get to witness first hand, how people act in “crisis.” They get smarter or dumber. Progressive Establishment Globalist forces are doing their best to push people to be dumber, and they’re succeeding. Americans are pushing people […]

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Mid-September 2020, and They’re Still Lying About Covid-19

Here we are, mid-September, 2020, and the establishment, by way of their Hive Media, continues to push, badger, promote and worship as a religion, covid-19 as a pandemic. And people are still worshiping covid-19 as a pandemic, because they are stupid, unwilling to admit mistakes, in on it, or brainwashed into trusting their governments and […]

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