Do you hate evil?
If so, what is evil?
If not, what is evil?
I hate evil. I’m all for stopping evil where I can, and punishing evil when I can. As Americans, this isn’t in doubt, its common sense. But this isn’t America, it is a land called America, occupied by a majority of people who are not, nor will ever be, Americans.
I define evil as willful incompetence. That’s the essence of evil.
Joe Biden and the Democrat party are evil. They are evil to Americans and Communists alike. The Democrat party chose Biden because he’s loyal to the party, and the others were not. Everything about him, and his campaign, really is a lie. That’s not just marketing, its true. True lies. 🙂
China conquered America with their covid-19 bullshit, and the help of Progressive Establishment Globalists, typified by the World Economic Forum. United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, world government, is subjugating the people of the world to farm animal status, under the dictatorship the world government overlords, much as the people of China are treated today.
They’re able to do this because most people are as stupid as farm animals, and simply go along to get along. Others are not so stupid, but are consumed because they are surrounded by people who are as stupid as farm animals, leaving them to be slaughtered, waiting for their own turn.
Just look at Hong Kong. They’re fucked.
And Joe Biden is on board. Hell, China paid him well.
These people are well organized, well funded, practiced, and winning. They isolate and decimate, group by group. And we’re letting them do that to us, Americans. What’s up with that?
All of these people are evil. They are to be stopped. They are to be punished. They are to be killed, most likely, as they are mugging us with mortal intentions. Organized crime, all of it. If we do not do this, no one will. And they will succeed in killing us, destroying America.
I’d love to hear your definition of evil.
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Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.