Ideology and Illusory Living


How much are you willing to surrender, for safety from a possible danger? Those who are trying to farm us (you) are working off the idea that you’ll give up everything, over stuff that isn’t even real. It looks like they are right.

As an American, my faith is in God, not my understanding of God. My safety depends on my mindfulness through out the day, paying attention to what I am doing, as I am doing it. As for external dangers, I cannot prevent them. Just notice and respond when and where I can. My faith is in safe living, not my understanding of safe living. Reality is reliable.

Catastrophizing is when I predict all sorts of bad things are going to happen, of which they don’t. Pretending that catastrophizing shows me as “smart” and “prepared,” it is actually a form of self-fascination, not threat aversion. Which means I’m not actually paying attention, thus not prepared for the real things, but tied up with my self-made bullshit catastrophication.

FUD: fear uncertainty and doubt. These are hallmark utilities in the manipulation and programming of society. FUD is cliche for a reason. People are easily misled by it. If you’ve read my earlier works, you’ll recognize my critique of certainty, entitlement and control. None of which we have, ever. But people adopt ideologies, to delude themselves into thinking they are certain, entitled and in control.

Those are illusory, so exploiters pick at the insecurity you have regarding certainty, entitlement and control. FUD.

Ideology and illusory living sets you up to serving lies, and alienating yourself from truth, from reality. You are controlled as much or more so, by fear of exposure than any real danger. Which is ironic, as exposure is what would set you free from your own fiction culture bullshit, and into reality, which is where safety resides.

Fake Pandemic.

This gets us to the current fraud of the covid-19 pandemic hoax. The bad people lie about it, to claim God powers over all things. They lie, and ideological people, who live illusory lives gobble it up, hurting the rest of us. Stop it. Liars lie, why believe them?

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Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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