
Action C-Suite Civil War 2020 Cognition David-daily Fundamentals Policy

The societal definition and use of the word “ignorance” is intentionally wrong. Ignorance is essential to social programming. Therefore having a word that reveals ignorance hurts bad people’s ability to social program. That’s why the bad people needed and accomplished the mis-defining the word: “ignorance.”

Here are a couple examples of this institution mid-definition of “ignorance:”


: noun, the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness


: noun, the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

Note that in both of these examples, “ignorance” is treated as a noun. I treat ignorance as a verb, as it is a verb. To ignore. An action, not a person place or thing.

I define “ignorance” as: choosing to deny an observed fact.


Naivety is what most people mean, when they say ignorance. The meaning of naivety used as the definition of ignorance is done by the bad people, to avoid having a label for what is needed to maintain social programming, namely, ignoring facts. Ignorance.

Here’s the noun “naivety” as defined by these same two dictionaries:


“If he compromised himself, then it was because of his political ignorance and naivety.”


: the quality or state of being naive; natural or artless simplicity.

: naive, adjective:

  • having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous.
  • having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous:
  • She’s so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.
  • having or marked by a simple, unaffectedly direct style reflecting little or no formal training or technique:

Interestingly, Merriam-Webster only goes so far as to quote a line from a publication, squarely promoting political risk, and linking back to the word ignorance. Social programming at work.

I define “naivety” as: being unaware.

This is about ignorance, so in explaining what ignorance is, we also learn about the word naivety. When you hear the common usage of the word ignorance, recognize that what is meant is likely naivety. Using the word ignorance as the act of denying facts, is the proper use of this word. Otherwise, the act of choosing to deny the facts has no word for it. No word, no discussion. The bad people like that. We do not.

It is a very different matter, being unaware, versus choosing to deny. That is the difference between naivety and ignorance.

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Acknowledge Revelations!

No, not the bible, but the bible does speak of this, which is also ignored.

Reality itself, facts, contradict what is forced onto us by Hive Media, governments, and Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs). There is no pandemic. There never was a pandemic. There isn’t going to be a pandemic. This whole pandemic God power” granting fiasco in government mandates is an overt global act of war on the people of this planet, by the “power-elite” of this planet. Most people fail to acknowledge truth and reject lies, preferring instead, to believe in Hive Media, government and global corporations.

By God! Our JOBS are on the line! We don’t want to get fired!!!”

Mission accomplished, say the PEGs. Hive Media is a religion. Progressivism is a religion. Worshiping the beast: God-man. People are afraid of their employers, their governments, because these acts of war are real, and hurting them. They make the mistake of conceding to PEG demands, thinking they’ll get free of them, when that secures their enslavement.

At best, society proceeds on the presuppositions of honestly and legitimacy. But society is built on deceptions and manipulations, both acts of violence, not honesty and legitimacy. A society built on deceptions and manipulations requires ignorance to survive and thrive, thus the importance of not naming nor discussing true ignorance. Ignorance, not naivety.

The importance of giving names.

I just heard it used for the first time this morning: “The Era of Covid-19…” Giving the take over of society a name, “era of covid-19” to justify and re-enforce the lie, is a productive step in accomplishing this crime. There isn’t an “era of covid-19” except as World War Three. But normalizing the idea of the lie, that’s effective, because people choose to deny reality, in favor of their culture(s) of fiction. Concede. Don’t stand out. Shut up and get along.

My label for this this era is: World War Three”. That’s what it happens to be, so don’t give me too much credit for coining it. 🙂

Pivots of Cognition.

Ideas are evaluated, and in this process, referred to by name. So inhibiting the labeling of ideas interferes with their cognition. Mis-labeling things too, achieves the same thing, differently. That’s why the word “ignorance” is mis-defined by establishment sources. Ignorance is the act of choosing to deny reality. And of each act, there is a point of contention, a pivot of cognition, to which we decide it favorable or unfavorable. Yes or no. These points of contention are themselves, named. Naming them is essential to lingually processing the information.

These points of contention are themselves subject to the violences of deception, manipulation and physical altercation. Forcing a yes when you would freely say no. Forcing a no when you would freely say yes. That’s what make violence violent. Sports are not violence. Comedies and stories are not violence. Purpose makes violence, the purpose of stealing.

We are presented with lies: pandemic, racism, police brutality. Recognizable lies at this point. Pretty blatant too. Since these have always been warfare operations, just gimmicks to assault and forcibly control people, the facts are ignored.

God powers are assumed by government by way of “the pandemic.” Racism and police brutality are used to distract and imbalance our ability to call bullshit on the pandemic lie. These are not the only things in play either, but they make my point. These are pivots of cognition that freely favor “no,” that are forced on us by way of violence, as a “yes.” At the same time, we are told we can’t do what we have always done, anymore. Forced from “yes” to “no.” —Fuck you.

With malice aforethought.

Conspiracys beget theories. But there is a difference between conspiracy theories, and conspiracy facts. People conspire all the time, so labeling information about those conspired activities a theory, is done to discredit the presentation of that information. That works too, if you’re willing to ignore reality and the participation of those involved. Kind of like calling someone’s statement “their opinion.” Like that’s somehow discrediting to the statement. Uh huh. “I saw them burn down the building.” Oh, sure, in your opinion. See, witness discredited!


These acts of war are well documented by those perpetrating them. The Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, each of these promote, with assumed immunity, their war crimes against us. Here are just three examples documenting what is happening now, on false pretenses, proof of malice aforethought. These bad people need to be arrested, prosecuted, and destroyed.

UN Agenda 21, from 1992.

The Great Reset, World Economic Forum, even ties in “global warming,” their failed first attempt to take over the world.

The Rockefeller Foundation, manic calling for testing, like its a thing. These folks war gamed World War Three, once in the nineteen nineties, and just last fall, 2019. They are goal oriented, not reacting to reality.


The only power these bad people have over us, is our own willingness to surrender to their lies, and accept their rule. To choose to deny facts. As an American, this is not an option. There are far more not-Americans in America, than there are Americans, and that is why we are in trouble.

Ignorance is the problem. Paying attention is the answer. We have to call—and enforce—bullshit on these bad people: PEGs (Progressive Establishment Globalists), their Hive Media, governments, PEG corporations.

  • The arrogance of people like the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, assuming we are their’s to play with, they have to be smashed. If attempting to steal the world from the people can be tried free of consequence, then that’s what they’re going to always be doing. They seek to impose a corporate communism. These people are insurrectionists. They need prosecution and punishment.
  • Hive Media continues to mislead the public regarding EVERYTHING. We need to revoke their FCC licenses, dissolve their corporations, public domain their intellectual property.
  • Governments are pre-staged with power seeking progressives, and are all too happy to accept God powers over the people, by whatever means. The United Nations is only interested in the welfare of the global elite. They are implementing government support of corporate communism. These people are insurrectionists. They need prosecution and punishment.
  • PEG corporations, are the weight behind the false ideas used to harm us. People are mostly silent because they are afraid of their employers. PEG companies are profiting from this too, seeing their small business competitors driven out of business, by government mandates, unlawfully so.

Ignorance is the act of choosing to deny a fact. Naivety is being unaware.

One last thing. Ignorance is a commission of evil. Ignorance is evil. When you ignore compelling facts, you are choosing to be evil. Don’t be evil, be American.

Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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