Revisiting Evil

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I wrote a piece on evil, Evil, nearly a month ago, and I want to raise it again, because it is crucial to a sensible cognition of events. There are evil people, and good people. Good people are always called evil by evil people, so being able to define, in certain terms, what evil is, matters. 🙂

Evil Matters. ( is born today!)

Willful incompetence is the essence of evil. Not incompetence, which is failed effort, but willful incompetence—choosing to fail in your effort(s). Evil is a choice, not an innate quality. People choose to be evil, to lie, deceive, manipulate and steal. All of it is about stealing. To take from the productive without fair exchange, their productivity.

It doesn’t go much deeper nor further than that. Taking what you choose to want, from others without fair exchange. Lying, deceiving, manipulating, aggressing, better know as violence, these are acts of willful incompetence; are self-submission to evil. In choosing a life of evil, it stays bad, and gets worse. Choosing not to be productive, you steal what you can from others to survive. You always know you’re full of shit. Some people don’t care about that, just what they can get. These are who we have to stop. We are the limits of evil, not them.

Manners as evil.

Evil is very in your face to appear genteel. They put everything on appearances, and consider being “called on” bullshit impolite, and terrible. That’s partly why they hate Donald Trump as they do. He just calls it: bullshit.

Professionalism though, surrounding productivity—distinctly absent from evil people—is a matter of working well with others, exchanging needed information to get a job done. Not to be liked. Liking comes from a professional’s competence, not their shtick and schmooze. Shtick and schmoozers are to be avoided, as they are gaming you.

Think about it. Media/Government/Politicians/Experts are lying their asses off to us (violence), disrespecting us, but go ape-shit-crazy over “manners” and “propriety.” Fuck that. Fuck them!

Evil people hide their chosen inadequacies with manners. They use “kindness” to pre-empt having their bullshit called. Call it anyway. If you call bullshit on a professional, they will be grateful to discover a mistake, or to correct your perception of bullshit, with competence. Professionals won’t get offended. But bad people, offense is defense—as in a bad person hiding something they don’t want you to notice or address.

Willful incompetence is the essence of evil. With this explanation, you can call evil evil, and explain it in certain and accurate terms.

Evil Matters.

Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.


My just conceived site to drive the recognition and elimination of evil in society.

Evil Matters; Good Counts.

There isn’t much there just yet, considering none of it existed until a few hours ago. is to be a professional site, unlike this site, which is decidely personal. I say shit here that puts most people off. (Fuck you, this is my site! Hah! 🙂 ) But won’t.

I don’t think Americans take offense from my language here, as I am not attacking innocence. Just evil. is specific to evil itself, pointing out the bad people, and why they are the bad people. It is to be workplace friendly, though not at all politically correct—political correctness being evil.

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