
C-Suite Cognition Fundamentals Policy

I define evil as willful incompetence. So when I say evil, when I call something evil, I am saying that they are willfully incompetent. They choose to lie. That makes them evil. Yes, most people are evil. Look around dude.

The harder it is to admit the truth, the more important it is that you do so. Always! They choose evil for mistaken reasons, but that doesn’t really matter, when they are hurting us. The harder it is to admit the truth, the more important it is to do so. Always. Always!

Evil is willful incompetence.

When you witness folks who are not bothered by lies, it is because they have chosen to live by them. These same people are triggered by truths. They are triggered by truths because they are living by lies, and truths destroy lies. It doesn’t work the other way around. Lies do not destroy truths.

Reality is immutable.

Our fight is with those who are not upset by lies. Being lied to is okay by them, but speaking truths triggers them. These are evil people. They choose to be evil. They are our enemies. They hate us, as we are innocent and truthful, which is destructive to their self-delusions. They attack us to preserve their insanity.

My term for this class of people is: “ego driven ideologists.”

These are not Americans. Americanism isn’t ideological, or ego driven. Americanism is spiritual.

Our present and our future depend on our ability to convert evil people into Americans. Until they quit their lies, they will continue to war on us, hurting us.

This is the war:

  • Fiction versus reality.
  • Not-American versus American.
  • The Beast versus God.
  • Them versus us.
  • Ego driven ideologists versus Americans.

Call the lies.

Call bullshit.

Rudely” so, as politeness too, is evil. Politeness is a lie. Don’t lie, it is wrong to do.

This is our fight. Now fight!

<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠

Do be evil, be American.

Call bullshit on bullshit.

NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)

Don’t fail where it counts.

Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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