Let’s go “cartoon” for a moment, and play the role of a screen writer. If you were to script Dr. Evil, what plot would you scheme to actually take over the world? What would work, that doesn’t involve literary license?
There’s little mystery here. Sex and fear. These are our primal motivators. Since we are going to actually take over the world with our scheme, they have to actually work on these possibilities. Sex and fear.
Sex isn’t working. Or at least not well enough. True, our sex scheme does have the people killing themselves—as a virtue no less—like never before, the wonderful murder of the most innocent, by those who ought to best protect them. Abortion isn’t the only corruption, but it is the first. The best. It kills life itself! Yet, this hasn’t gotten us the dominance we need. Just the enjoyment of seeing the people accept horrific murder as virtue. We’re Dr. Evil, and we need more!
Fear it is, then.
But because we’re evil, we have to pose as good. Like “Planned Parenthood.” Ha! A great one, as its not about planning or parenting, but gleefully killing your children. Glorious murder. Every child an unwanted child, kill it! The memories, the horror, the joy.
<interrupted from fluffy cloud of murder>
Henchman: “I’ve got it!”
Dr. Evil: “What? What?”
Henchman: “I know how we can
run everybody out of Rock Ridge.rule the world. We’ll kill the first-born male child in every household!”
Dr. Evil: “Too Jewish.”
<back to our scheme to RULE THE WORLD!> Yeah, thanks for nothing!
One thing though, about all this abortion, our side is running out of voters. We need more voters!
Making Democrats.
I know, we’ll indoctrinate the young, and import the gullible. Socialism/justice for students, welfare benefits for illegal immigrants. Ah, there, much better. Whew! We were going the wrong way. I need dupes if I am to rule the world. Thank God, uh myself, for the young and dumb.
Global Warming.
So this fear thing, its gotta be BIG. Nature, God, environment! Yes, that’s it. Environment involves people’s safety and well being. We’ll rally people about how we are destroying the environment, and that’s in part true, so as distasteful as it is to involve truth, so long as it is part of a manipulation, then truth is okay.
Wait, shucks, I can’t rule the world by citing specific examples of environmental harm, that limits it to those examples—
I want it ALL, I NEED it ALL!
No. It can’t be specific, it has to be general, better still, systemic. What can I claim to be a systemic harm to the environment, that gives me God powers over mankind?
And it is such a brazen exaggeration, a bold lie that isn’t covered by truth, it redeems itself as a first rate evil. Global warming, CO2 is poison! We have to tax and control CO2. (Now we’re making customers!) Drastic measures now, or we’re all dead in ten years! Global warming.
Hmm. That’s not working either. Damn it. What else could we possibly try, that will give us God power over the world, and give it now? What grand lie, grand deception would do that?
Wow am I stupid. Of course, there’s this mysterious medical thing that y’all don’t understand, but experts “agree” you have to surrender to our emergency God powers now! So obvious, who could doubt it? Experts, after all.
We lost our American weapon, Hillary Rodham Clinton, but the show must go on. Launch the pandemic hoax!
And so the order was given, and out of China came a notable virus, different enough to give it its own name: covid-19. In lockstep, came the lockdown. Just as rehearsed and war gamed ten years earlier:
With the hoax-ing, and massive coax-ing, Dr. Evil is finally getting what he wants: us. The end.
Too bad it’s not just a story. This is what’s happening, here, now.
Whoa it’s getting hard to link to this anymore, looks like the sites are taken down. Here’s the document’s identification: “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” This report was produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network, May 2010. Page 18:
Lock Step
A world of tighter top-down government control and more
authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing
citizen pushback
Opening paragraph:
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been
anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s
H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating
from wild geese — was extremely virulent and
deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared
nations were quickly overwhelmed when the
virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly
20 percent of the global population and killing
8 million in just seven months, the majority of
them healthy young adults. The pandemic also
had a deadly effect on economies: international
mobility of both people and goods screeched to
a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and
breaking global supply chains. Even locally,
normally bustling shops and office buildings sat
empty for months, devoid of both employees
and customers.
It goes on for eight more pages, and if you can find it, read it. Or, accept that this isn’t a spontaneous event, but a well planned and executed attack on us.
Dr. Evil is real, though not as presented here. Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs) think they can make the world a better place, and want to make the world a better place, and are trying, in their eyes, to make the world a better place.
What they are actually doing is destroying it, again. They want to rule, cause they don’t want to accept that they are just like us. They have a need to be different, because they are ego driven ideologies. Nothing more. The question is: do we let them kill us with their failure? I say no.
Sorry about getting this out late, I’m swamped with stuff, and I forgot to finish and post this yesterday. It is a day late. Yup. I’ve got another coming today. Don’t know what just yet, but it’ll be here.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.