We are lied to about covid-19 being a pandemic. The legitimate datum do not support the idea, nor does our experience with it support covid-19 as a pandemic. It is just the flu, like the flues before it. Covid-19? So what?
Where are my statistics? Ha! Where are your statistics? There aren’t any:
Comparing COVID-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths Is like Comparing Apples to Oranges
In this article, the writer points out the failings of CDC information, but then commits their own failing by using false information as a basis of their current opinion, the article being published in April 2020. It does no good to cite data that is known to be a lie. All media information on this hoax has been a lie. This is a political psychological operation from the start. PEGs grabbed God powers from it.
We are in the midst of a successful attack by Progressive Establishment Globalists, PEGs 💩, and they have put the world in panic over a lie, that covid-19 is a highly dangerous pandemic, and thus assert God powers, and shut down the world. Liars lying, hurting us.
So I’ll tell you what. No shutdowns. No social distancing. No masks. No more. That’s what. Our turn. War over.
The way these things work, is that the virus spreads, people catch it and develop immunity, and then it dies out. These “prevention measures” only slow down this process, not stop it. There is no stopping it. We don’t want to stop it, catching covid-19 is killing covid-19. That’s what is real. This is not new, this never should have happened.
What about the bad people?
Now to punish the perpetrators for their treachery. There is a price to pay for harming the world. What to do about y’all PEGs? Hmm…
No forgetting. No forgiving. Murdering subversives have gotta pay.
Please, share your ideas below. I like the corporate death penalty 😀, and public domaining their intellectual property 😀. We get to watch them lose their livelihood, for a change. Its a start. 🙂
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.