What a word. Importance. Implies top-value. Uh huh. What is important? Why? Importance deals directly with value, value dealing directly with your perception of need. Values establish needs. So when talking of importance, we’re really talking of values and whether we have them or not.
For instance, you may care (value) greatly about a sport team winning or losing. Or you may not even know the name of the sport team that wins or loses. Same thing, different value, difference in importance. You care, or do not care.
As an analyst and damn-near empath, clued in by the seemingly non-nonsensical bible phrase:
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. — 2 Corinthians 12:10
I’m able to receive in context, the messaging of interpersonal communications. The important part is: “when I am weak, then I am strong.” Which I rephrase into: “You are strongest where you are weakest.” That seems nonsensical, but it isn’t. My other turn of that idea, used in people reading, is: “show me your strengths and I’ll show you your weaknesses.” This is a very very powerful lesson.
Getting back to importance, people attend to their needs, so in reading people, I look at what they are fussing about, and that shows me what they are either interested in, or afraid of. Americans reveal what they’re interested in. Not-Americans reveal their fears. What does this mean?
There is a divide in society, productive people and frightened people. Americans are productive, not-Americans are scared. Secure and insecure. Maslow has his hierarchy of needs, that’s what this is about. If you can keep people scared, you can keep them from being American. Progressive Establishment Globalists care about this because they cannot own and operate Americans, only not-Americans. Its that simple.
What do you care about, why?
Hive Media is a hostile instigator of social programming. Much of what is wrong with the world today, is their doing. Lives built of and on lies, are never safe, never self-possesing. Ego driven ideology is hell on earth. This is the life of a not-American.
Spiritual living, American living, is absent of these lies. Hive Media social programming is offensive to Americans. Ego driven ideology is nonsensical, and sad. Very sad indeed. Which makes being an American that much better. 🙂
The priorities of life are fleeting. Life is fleeting. Mortality comes for all of us. What is real, is that we do not know anything, are entitled to nothing, and control nothing except our choices, and sometimes not even that. Americans get that, and don’t sweat it, because that is nature, which we love. Not-Americans, ego driven ideologists hate this, because they reject their mortality, and require certainty, entitlement and control.
Enjoying the day is important to Americans, being wholesomely productive and tired, we earn our rest, and every bit of it is awesome. Sanity, in knowing that we are all crazy, God loves us still.
Controlling the world is important to not-Americans, because even knowing they are full of shit, ego driven ideologists pretend to be Man-Gods, so that they can self-delude themselves into believing it. They are, and always will be, shit nuts.
Unity of Lie.
If there is a lesson here, and there is, it is that life as an American is good. Life as not-American is terrible, not-Americans use lies—insanity—to identify and rally. You have to buy into the lie/insanity, and when you do, you then have to protect it. Hive behavior. Hive Media. The life of not-American.
Unity of Lie is where wars come from. Wars start with the lie itself. If we fight it in the deception and manipulation stages, we can avoid physical alterations. If not, then it is to arms. Be ready to kill, because people who kill their own children as a virtue, will relish killing you. Not-Americans are dangerous.
People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.
Check your importance, scrutinize what matters mostly to you, and find out who you are. Your choices are two. American, not-American. Choose American.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🙂
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.