Today’s David-Daily is Delayed Due to Arrest.

Action Civil War 2020 David-daily

Hey All,

I’m getting arrested today for not wearing a mask in my local Wal-mart. So until further notice, I’ll not be posting more dailies.

By arresting me, the LEO is breaking his/her oath of office. Government is the aggressor here. They are the one breaking the law. They are the criminal, not me. Not us. Contact with the enemy. Yes, the enemy.

I respect law enforcement officers, my beef isn’t with them, but their political overlords. So if/when you are arrested, only point out that they are breaking their oath of office. Very sad.


What good is it to know and not act. In acting, I scout and gain experience and understanding as to what to do next.

Be American. Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.


Walking back to the store, empty of everything but cash, I walked in, no one spoke to me, I got a shopping cart, some food, paid for it, and left.

That’s it. I was prepared to be arrested, and told the store and law enforcement what I was going to do, and on return, they decided to obey the law, and left me alone.

Action, results, lesson. I called bullshit on bullshit, they folded, I bought food. The lesson? Store management and law enforcement are not our problems, but their own political overlords. I would have faulted the LEO, had I been arrested, making note of his/her oath of office, which I had a copy of on me, but even then, my fight is with subversive elected officials, not rank and file law enforcement. Or store management, for that matter.

I’m glad I called them on this. I’m glad they did the right thing . But political leadership learns too, and they are going to force good people to do the wrong things, if they can. I continue to prepare for those occurrences, and stay ready.

We need to remember always: People committed to what is wrong, are not interested in what is right. They are the ones who will hurt you.

Be American. Stay American.


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