As a Libra, I’ve been inundated with the idea of law and justice all my life. Cutting to the quick of it, the only morality of power is dominance. That’s it. Everything else is bullshit.
I experienced first hand, the utter criminality of the “legal” system when the State of Florida criminally kept me off the ballot for the United States Senate, in 2012. I paid the ballot fee with my own money, but the State of Florida ruled that the “form” of my payment disqualified me from my basic core civil right, the right to run for office, elected office being central to the validity of government. It did so to prevent my participation in that election, and gave rise to my realization and acceptance that: Governments are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the Establishment.
Loosing in court, the absurdity of the State’s disqualification of my candidacy was ignored. My own presentation of facts were omitted. My appeal of that ruling was mis-filed as a writ of mandamus, by the State of Florida. That was especially offensive, as a writ of mandamus is non-nonsensical to an event that has already occurred. I am stupid, but not that stupid.
That was Rick Scott’s doing. Rick Scott, lawyer, Big Daddy Abortionist. Criminal. Republican US Senator, Florida. Fuck you Rick Scott, I’m coming for you.
Legal process is gated by money. No money, no legal process. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong, and likely evil. These cunt politicians who want to socialize medicine, don’t say shit about legal services. Do they? Its not like they haven’t thought of it. It is because they are willfully incompetent (evil), lying sacks of effluent. (My apologies to effluents for relating it to politicians.)
That’s the role of the legal system in America. To fuck you, and protect the Establishment. It is the means by which the people are subdued by the establishment, because its about money, not law. And that’s why I refer to what the government does as a legal system, not a rule of law. We’ve never had a rule of law, only the practice of legal, which is utterly political, absolutely criminal. There is no honor in court. The legal industry is the most disgraceful segment of society, because it is an utter betrayal of what it purports to be.
Abortion, the greatest evil possible, is legal, funded and celebrated, by the legal system. Abortion is legal, funded and celebrated by the people of the legal system. Do you really think you’re going to get justice from them? No. You’re going to get murdered by them.
Historically speaking, each atrocity of government mustered from legal processes, even the murder of Jesus. Do you think these people are going to protect your rights? No. They exist to serve the establishment. They fuck us for money.
The only morality of power is dominating force. That’s it. The Establishment wins because they are the dominant participating force most of the time. But in Civil War, at least where Americans are involved, the participants change, and the dominance changes. When Americans war, the people win. This does not happen in court, but in war. Civil war. Only.
The governments have lost their fear of we, the American people. Its time we remind them who’s sovereign, and who is subservient. It is time to smash the governments, and the establishment players of present day corruption.
There is no political solution (actually there is, but it is very unlikely). There is no legal solution. Only the dominating use of force. Kill or be killed. That’s it. I’ve no doubt about the preparedness of those who celebrate systemic murder of the most innocent, to also systemically murder me. And you. And we’re there, fellow Americans. War is on us.
Looking back at the reliable tragedy of societal abuses, we always put ourselves on the side of good, fighting bad. We’d have helped free the slaves! We’d have destroyed Jim Crow society! We’d have fought the Nazis and destroy the concentration camps! But those tragedies reliably occur because we don’t have hind sight ahead of time, and most don’t have the foresight to see it happening. Some of us do, and we’re ridiculed for it.
And let’s not forget that there are many people who are decidedly evil, decidedly pro-establishment. They overtly seek to command and control, and exploit us. We are nothing more than food stuffs to them. They assert ownership. They are politically dominant. They need to be killed.
Wake up actually. “Woke” America is broke America, because public spaces (establishment spaces) misdirect you into frivolous distractions that seem worthwhile. From conservative talk radio to Black Lives Matter. Outrage Media, outrage society, establishment command and control. Wake up to reality and quit being played.
Our lives are well past absurdity. We need to return to sanity, or fail. As an aspiring American, failure is not an option. War is my only answer, because war is on me whether I like it or not. You too. Fight or die.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.