The Mark of the Beast

Civil War 2020 David-daily

It is amazing to me how these things pop into reality. Prophesied for two thousand years in the bible, just when it seems impossible—boom! The Beast demands you wear its mark.

Except for reality, that would be me, half way through a joke. But this is not a joke. The mark of the beast is real, it is here. The mark of the beast has started with face masks, and will migrate to digital ID.

Looking at some thoughts on this, from a Christian perspective, at: they describe an ambiguity regarding the specific manifestation of this mark, but also a certainty about its purpose, loyalty to the Beast:

Revelation 18 speaks more of a “mark of belonging.” The mark is “a symbolic way of describing the loyalty of [the Beast’s] followers and his ownership of them.”

That’s the New World Order, by way of the “Great Reset.” Masks now, digital tags later, these are being forced on us, with the majority of people falling for it. The majority of people walking into the Establishment’s “people farming collective.” Give me a Mooo! Bad times for all.

This part especially got my attention:

The third beast will initiate economic separation which will force people to pledge allegiance and receive an economic “stamp of approval” or be cut-off from all services: food, gas stations, medical help, etc.

That’s what’s going on right now. Chopped. Do or die. War. Never in history have we seen a singular global imperative marketed to the people, and here in Tampa, Florida, the evil-from-the-start powers that be, have mandated the mark of the beast.

This mark, it’s on your face. You put it there, a gag of hypocrisy, to wear a mask while speaking out against it. Looking silly while being even sillier. Look at that idiot, complaining about doing what he’s doing. Talking against mask wearing, through the mask that he’s wearing. What an idiot!

As mentioned, the mark of the beast will move from a mask to a digital tag used to inventory and control you. Like the mask, it’ll be in the name of safety. Like the mask, that will be a lie. The pretext? Vaccines. (They even get to juice you with stuff you’re required to trust.) Lies, manipulation, physical altercations, tyranny. America is lost because Americans are missing. What we have instead, is a mass surrender and submission to “The Great Reset.” The New World Order. The destruction of America. Open subversion. Open and uncontested insurrection. Evil shit, not American.

We’ve moved from the First Amendment to the Second Amendment.

Guns and shooting the bad people. 🙂 Oh yeah, its coming. Bang bang bang, die. And you know what? There ain’t shit you can do about it, except stop subverting MY country. We are the law, not you. Its time you were reminded of that. Fucker.

I’m not wearing a mask. Were I wearing a mask before, I would stop wearing one now, because there is no standing for government to force me to wear a mask, or social distance, or take a vaccine. There are explicit prohibitions against them forcing me to do so, which they ignore, criminally.

The government is killing me, for real, if I do not comply. The government is preventing my access to everything, without wearing a mask. Fuck you. Die. Fuck you government. Fuck you media. Fuck you corporations. Fuck all of you, you subversive or submissive societies of death.

They’ve created an instant classification of pariah. (Pariah means outcast.) Americans are now outcasts in America. One, because evil people in the criminal government, supported by the subversive media, say so. But mostly because the people living here allow it, encourage it. These people are NOT Americans. These people are chattel. (Chattel is an item of property, other than real estate.) Stupid chattel at that. Fuck ’em all.

I am on a war footing. So are they. You need to be, if you are not already. The only question that remains is: Are you American, or are you chattel? War is on us.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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