I Love the Clean of a Storm’s Air

Action Civil War 2020 David-daily

Sunday morning, and its coming down. Not badly, but in waves, nice as can be. The fingers of tropical storm Isaias, coming across Florida, from East Coast to West Coast. Living in Tampa, Florida, I get lots of time with killer weather. Mostly thunderstorms. And yeah, they will damn sure kill you!

But not today. This morning, the weather is warm, humid, breezy and clean. Gentle rain. I love the clean air. Storms are great for that.

Stoked by today’s studies, I’m all set to rage, but hey, it’s Sunday, which used to mean something. So I’ve shelved that rage piece, and decided to share my thanks to God, for the clean air of a summer’s tropical storm.

Thank you God, for the clean air and kind weather. I love you and live this day back to you, for all that is good about me and my life, though I’ve so much to complain about. Huh.

We in Tampa are at the beginnings of the hurricane season. More are coming, some might hit, but each of them reminds us that God is in charge, and there’s NOTHING we can do to change that, nor do we have to. Same goes for our health and well being.

The pandemic is a lie, these bad people have, and continue to hurt us badly, and will do so until and only if we stop them. I’m in, but I need your help too. We can beat the bad people, if we simply do so.

Let’s go.

<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠

Do be evil, be American.

Call bullshit on bullshit.

NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)

Don’t fail where it counts.

Stay American.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

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