Racial Indifference, Not Racial “Equality”

(Disclaimer: this story deals indirectly with the problem we all know about, but are to afraid to mention. The criminal nature and behaviors of young blond women. So I refer instead, to young black men, them being harmless and no problem what-so-ever. I’m too scared to talk about the dreaded YBW!) With the added distraction […]

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There Are No Legal Remedies, Only Dominating Forces

Wake up actually. “Woke” America is broke America, because public spaces (establishment spaces) misdirect you into frivolous distractions that seem worthwhile. From conservative talk radio to Black Lives Matter. Outrage Media, outrage society, establishment command and control. Wake up to reality and quit being played.

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(This is an excerpt from the work-in-progress book called: “Americanism. The Life Guiding Principles of Freedom.” As a work in progress, the final version will likely be different.) By ego, I am referring to that thing in us (the biblical beast?) that is never satisfied, always fearful, and utterly condemning of ourselves and everything else […]

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