A very important observation has finally come to my notice, explaining so much of what happens socially, in society. Here is (yet) another dichotomous classification of people: those who perceive, and those who decide. This is what explains the majority society’s behavior. These people do not discern truth—what is real—but simply decide what they believe, mostly on what they want to believe. They are entirely inside their own culture of fiction. Not make believe, but want believe.
Want believe is their justification to ascribe credibility to those who say what they want to believe, and dis-believe all who contradict their chosen beliefs. The ones who teach that: “we make our own reality.” Uh huh.
This introduces a new rule of irrefutable understanding: dumb animals champion their choices regardless of propriety or competence. (Propriety and competence being the two considerations that discern correct versus incorrect.) They believe, therefore it is so. Belief is not faith. Belief is certainty, faith is uncertainty.
Presented with fictitious credentials, you know, “expertise,” they choose to believe “experts” and no others. They call this “science” but it is nothing more than religion. Even their use of the term “science” is to fake credibility. Political operatives, under the fiction of expertise, capture and utilizes the masses. Easy money.
Slavery, women without rights, Jim Crow, abortion. Now the stolen election. The political class killing off an American interfering with their “rule.”
It really is Mike Judge’s Idiocracy, the 2006 movie hated by idiots everywhere. This is where we are at, a stolen election, by ideologues colluding en masse, not even a day in court. Society by PEGs, Progressive Establishment Globalists. The bad people. Flagrant enough to show they’re in control, and there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s what they think.
One thing is certain. They are not afraid of us. That’s on us. We need to fix that.
They endlessly flatulate ideology, high and addicted to their ideology, and delude themselves into believing they’re in charge. But the only morality of power is dominance, and we the American people have the Second Amendment to kill the government(s) when they do what they just did. That’s why it is there.
The Second Amendment relies entirely on we, the American people, to be the American people.
Those committed to doing wrong, the decided, are not interested in what is right. So we have to fight.
People who pick a thing, oddly favorable to themselves, and keep it forever. Never learning, always subservient to lies. The “Decided” are the net average of society, and it isn’t good.
I just got a visit from people who said they were from the FBI. They didn’t have cards, but they show an “ID” from a distance, in which I could not see. This is exactly what I’ve expected. Government is a criminal organization, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to PEGs.
So I’m popping this out there, having just sent them to this site, davidweeks.us. Hi guys.
We are lied to. We are unconstitutionally ordered to imprison ourselves, and wear token symbols of compliance, masks. We have no vote. We have no day in court. There is NO protection of legal, and government serves the political class only, not the people.
We are at war.
Either way, intimidation is afoot, but what isn’t appreciated by the enemy, is that I’m all in, have been all my life. I don’t expect to make it past this month, let alone this year, but I’ll die trying. Killed for speaking power to lies. They commit violence, inciting violence in return. Deception, manipulation, and physical altercation—all violence.
They are the subversive, not we, the American people. We don’t deceive, nor manipulate, but we do defend ourselves from all violence. Hated by government, we Americans have only our weapons, solidarity and fidelity, to protect ourselves, anymore. Fact.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time, if there’s a next time! Killed for speaking power to lies. They commit violence, inciting violence in return. Deception, manipulation, and physical altercation. They are the subversive, not we, the American people.
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.
By the way, this is part of what an Information Developer does.