False Leaders, Permanent Failure

Civil War 2020 Cognition Fundamentals

Have you come to realize that many of the “voices” on the “right” are false leaders, just as the Republicom party is a false outlet to protect and improve America? So far as I’ve come to know them, other than Rush Limbaugh, whom I still have doubts about, ALL the others are there to moot our concerns. They are, after all, running on PEG assets. (Progressive Establishment Globalists)

When I tried to work with the local fucks, here in Tampa, Florida, I learned first hand that they were artifacts of censorship, all the while playing the role of “conservative” and friendly. They were just more PEG tools.

The same holds true for national network shows, more so in fact. Fake and censoring, whether they know it or not.

Signals and indications.

Our current events provide us an excellent revelation of who ALL of these people truly are. Traitors, deceivers, subversives. They’re condemning our actual peaceful protest, as outrageous, un-Constitutional, un-American. All the while welcoming the lawless, legal-less-ness of this current election. The PEGs killing off an American Presidency. By every means necessary.

And they say we’re to blame. Fuck’em all. Enemies. Not-Americans. They’ve made the list.

If only I were not so completely right about this, but I am completely right about this. We are an occupied country, not American, and have been for most of our lives. It is when their hold on things is threatened that they sufficiently expose themselves to this sort of notice. Of which intelligent people do indeed notice.

Governments are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. PEGs, Progressive Establishment Globalists. It is on us to kill them.

No shit.

The Second Amendment relies solely on us. It is there so that we are able to kill the government(s) when they become what they now happen to be.

It is on us to kill them.

Push back on false leaders, and permanent failure.

I encourage you to attack these false leaders, anyone in “talk radio” posing to be American, probably wearing “conservative” on their sleeve. They are their part of what got us here. And now their role is to placate us, and get us to accept this steal. To accept this “Great Reset.” To embrace their abomination nation.

Ask them what the Second Amendment is for. The US Constitution is moot at this point; those sworn to protect and uphold it have betrayed it. Including many in law enforcement. And they’ve started killing us too. Just yesterday, a sixteen year old protester. Shot her ass dead. Law enforcement, we’ll go to ground, and kill you too, if you betray Americans, betray America. Don’t do it.

Think Potemkin if it helps. We’re there.

These are not our leaders. They are the leaders of PEGs, not Americans. These are not our governments. They are the governments of PEGs, not Americans. These are not our courts. These are the courts of PEGs, not Americans. Hive Media in not our media. Hive Media is the media of PEGs, not Americans. Is this our law enforcement? Or the law enforcement of PEGs, not Americans?

This is not PEG’s country, it is ours. But we have to fight to get it back. We have to kill to get it back. We have to fight and kill to keep it. That’s the Second Amendment. And I am an American. Are you? They are not.

There is NO future with either the Democom or Republicom parties. Civilian America is the answer to America’s future. If you want your country to be American, talk to me. I know what to do.


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