My objection to mandatory masks persists for two reasons. First, assuming that they are as effective as claimed, there is still no lawful right to force me to wear one, and denying me services for not wearing a mask is tortiously unlawful.
The second reason I object to mandatory masks is that they DON’T protect nor prevent covid-19, as claimed. Government and hive media are lying. Their mandates of mandatory masks are for political compliance, not health and well being. Wearing one does not protect you, and proceeding as if they did puts yourself at risk, IF you happen to be someone at risk, of covid-19. The following article documents this:

New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues
I’ve been trespassed all over town, and denied services for not wearing a mask, of which I (have and will) redress by direct action. There is no legal protection of our rights anymore, only criminally organized government. “The Law” is here to fuck you, not protect nor serve you. Governments reserve that for their establishment owners/masters. The legal system is shit.
Meanwhile, if you ARE vulnerable, you might isolate from general society, but there IS NO “STOPPING” a virus. Never has been, never will be.
My own parents, in their eighties, are such people, and they are situated such that they are able to stay mostly apart from the general public. They are statistically vulnerable, and isolating makes sense. But wearing masks, I’ve warned them, does not “protect” them. I’ve warned them not to trust the masks/face diaper bullshit.
They’re going to get vaccinated when it is available. For them, this might make sense, but I do not trust the vaccine either. If it does buffer one’s health against COV attacks, great. And they’re well past having kids and what not. But even here, there is a risk. A real risk. THESE vaccines genetically re-program you.
As for the rest of us. Covid-19 is itself over 80% effective in inoculating people without ill effects, and 99.8% effective inoculating people without killing them first. And there are no genetic behavioral payloads accompanying a vaccine. Like this:
I will NOT be getting a vaccine. I’ve never been “anti-vax” until now. Now I am anti-vax, because the people pushing these onto us are reliably evil. They created this situation for the purpose of genetically reprogramming the people of the world. They MUST be killed. NOT obeyed.
As for the future of this site, and myself. For all I care, which is everything, I am end-gaming our circumstances. Openly. War has been on us. I’ve seen it all year, and with the steal of Donald Trump’s reelection, we are now hot, not cold.
We’ve moved from information into physical maneuvers. I post my advice on these maneuvers. Not to over-throw the US Government, that’s already been done. But to re-establish America, with a truly American polity, not the half-ass compromises that got us partly started. PEGs (Progressive Establishment Globalists) will certainly find me sufficiently troublesome to squash; I expect it. Alone, as I am now, or with others, I/we hold.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.