Progressive Establishment Globalists. PEGs.

One of the ways I am unaffected by the bad people, is that I do not listen to them. They are violent. They use lies, manipulation and physical altercations to abuse us, so why participate in their bullshit. That’s what Shit People do.
I started an article called: “Shit People Enable The Lies”, but have not yet finished it. Shit People are those who believe the bullshit, and worship it. PEGs call it: “The COVID era.” The PEG’s psychological warfare on the people of Earth. Covid-19 is the Shit People’s new God. The pandemic is the Shit People’s new cause. And we Americans are to be smited, “experts say…” Yeah, Shit People are the drones of the Progressive Establishment Globalists, the PEGs.
Hive Media, owned and operated by PEGs, is wholly, entirely on about manipulating us into PEG management. When you encounter Hive Media content, you are taking fire in this World War, World War Three. It is important to remember these things:
- The bad people are attacking you with violence.
- That reality is what it is, regardless of what they say it is, or want it to be.
- They ARE bullshit.

See for yourself. Read what your new masters have in store for you. It documents their measures to enforce blind, unquestioned obedience from EVERYONE.
As usual, these bad people are antithetical to what they claim to be. The proper response to criminal assault is to kill the assailant(s). In this case, the PEGs and their collaborators. Kill them. They have operated for >ever< without consequence, as that was the first thing to go in their corruptive agenda, and government is now a high-crime participant in their robbery of our Earth. So if we do not kill them, that is on us. They are just being what they are, evil.
Three out of five consumers claim to avoid brands that do not demonstrate progress against the goals affecting our society and planet., page four.
Shit People on the other hand, cheer it on, as they believe what they are told.
Shit People getting what they deserve.
On the upside, the Shit People are about to get what they deserve. Unfortunately, we are about to get what they deserve too, and that’s the problem. But what do you expect when PEGs have limitless time and resources to build a house of cards around us, and convince the Shit People it is steel and concrete? PEG success depends on Shit People’s continued delusion.
My contribution is in language, expositions on ideas and machinations. But nothing in language is real, including my contributions. We need physical assets too. Layer one, in network engineering parlance. What I do here is only as effective as people’s ability and willingness to obtain and read what I say. Big Tech is aggressively repressive of us, so it is that much more important for you to organize around the single principle of Americanism, and destroy not-Americanism.
Americanism isn’t an ideology. That’s why it works and is universal. Americanism is easily distinguished from all other presentations of reality—ideological presentations that have its ardents as Gods. Americans recognize and embrace that we are fragile, short-time creatures, not Gods.
This one is on me, as I’ve not published my definition of Americanism: “Americanism. The Life Guiding Principles of Freedom.” My trust is in God on this. I am resuming its completion.
These are global communists. They want to be your God. They want you to be their food. By way of bullshit, they’ve re-purposed the institutions of society to promote and protect global communism. Covid-19 and Global Warming are both MacGuffins, used to give God power to governments, and re-purpose industries, which are owned and operated by the PEGs. Fuck ‘em all. Now!
Will you support my work here, and promote my work to fellow Americans? We are all we’ve got, and they are on us. Now is the time to support me and share my work. I am a cause, America, not a business, I need your help.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.