I define governments as: criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. This definition is my own, gotten to by years of experience and purposed study. It is also the best I’ve ever seen.
Legal practice and government have always been a natural field for psychopaths. And psychopaths are notoriously corrupt, dangerous and harmful to society, naturally so. Not all psychopaths are like this, but most extreme-case bad people are psychopaths.
When a psychopath gets a taste of organizational power, they want more, and go nuts with it. They are pinnacle examples of ego driven ideology. They count themselves God, and the rest of reality subordinate to themselves. Non-psychopaths are like that too, just not quite so readily.
Here’s a story of such a person, a common circumstance and behavior. Criminal behavior. The lady in the story isn’t the story, the bad guys will be apparent:
Politics are always about doing the wrong thing.
So the seats of government are overwhelmingly populated by attorneys, who are doubly untrustworthy. Not all of attorneys, but legal practice overall is political, and the legal occupation is to maintain corruption, not prevent it.
Running for office favors the “look at me,” first nature of psychopathy, and being in office is ideal for them. Purely political, servants of the establishment, government officials adhere to the wishes of those who best pay them, and let them play big shot.
The trickle down effect of that, is that these officials hire and promote those who will cooperate in their corruption, using government to favor the establishment while attacking their out-of-favor citizens. This is my experience, repeatedly, even in court. The practice of law is evil, in it there is no remedy, only ruin. It is staffed and run by criminals. We have political courts of political policy, not laws. Mankind cannot make laws.
By way of psychopathy, all things are repurposed to serve psychopathic objectives, utterly corrupting everything. Public/Private cooperatives of subversion and exploitation. Organizations organized to farm the citizenry. This is how the NFL (and other sports) is now BLM, and the Boy Scouts of America are about gay rights, gender bullshit, and in bankrupcy. All of it evil; all of it willfully incompetent. All of it done to destroy society in favor of their psychopathic visions of a new world order. Their ego driven ideologies.
NFL will display social justice statements in the end zone this season
Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy As It Faces Hundreds Of Sex-Abuse Claims
World War Three
We are in world war three. It got hot (hot war) with the covid-19 pandemic attack, which is mostly NOTHING more than a variant of flu, like we’ve always had every year, forever. It was weaponized and deployed to cheat the public into giving God powers to the government, to capture and lock down their farming agenda. This was setup and executed by the United Nations and World Economic Forum, supported by numerous additional organizations, all of them psychopathic deep-state ardents.
These are the latest kind of evil, doing what evil has always done: enslave and exploit the masses.
The controlling documents are the United Nations Agenda 21, Agenda 2030; the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset, and The Fourth Industrial Revolution. There is a conspiracy, it is no theory. They tell people what they’re on about, but people are not making the connection. Hive Media, owned and operated by these people, are effective in their propaganda.
If you look at the air travel lockdown that was implemented after 9/11, that is still implemented today, where there is no longer the danger and unknowns we had then, they want to do with this hoax virus. Make it permanent. Government God power forever!
This is where the war gets hot. The “new normal.” Like: (Do watch this to the end. Astounding huh?)
Liars lie, and psychopaths don’t tell the truth. It is immoral to them. These are predators, looking to eat us. Bit by bit.
Small businesses are decimated thanks to government mandated shutdowns, premised on the lie of covid-19. Social distancing bullshit, mandatory mask wearing bullshit, no gathering allowed bullshit, and worse. All of this to “put us in our place.” Farm animal. They always planned to make these permanent, followed up with mandatory vaccines and body tagging. All enforced unlawfully by governments the world over. All of them criminal.
New normal. Build back better. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. These folks are destroying us, on purpose, their purpose. And all of this, taken in by the public as the “new religion.” They just make shit up, and because it’s seen on TV, people believe it. Huh?
Governments are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. My term for the bad people is: “Progressive Establishment Globalists.” PEGs for short.
We are under attack, war is on us whether you admit it or not. Are you going to fight for your life, or submit to being a farm animal?
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.