When I advocate killing people, and I do advocate killing people, I do so because these people I advocate killing, are bad murderous people, actively killing us without pause or hindrance. If you don’t kill the bad people, you will die by them. It is like that. Always has been.
Its called war. War is on us, like it or not. World war three.
With no costs, no consequences, the forever criminals are free to perfect and implement their gleeful machinations of chaos, misery and murder. Progressive Establishment Globalist (PEGs) haven’t shown yet the extent of their plans and capabilities. They have both, and are using them to capture and farm the people of the world, including us. As an American, I am to be killed, by them, by way of the government. History advises this happens all the time, so the only way you can be surprised by this, is by colossal naïveté. Wake up or die.
Governments are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs) are successfully executing their long-planned and well-gamed take over of the world. They are purposed with farming us for their own fun and profit. Psychopaths are like this, and these are psychopaths.
Communist block nations are already owned and operated by their respective deep-state societies of psychopaths. China is owned by the Chinese Communist Party. North Korea is owned by the communist monarch Kim Jong Un. Cuba is owned by the Communist Party of Cuba. Venezuela is owned by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Let’s not forget Vietnam and Laos. Those folks are free to reap the people of their nations without hesitation or pause. They are organizing to do this to the rest of the world. That’s what the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) are doing. Forever criminals, a gaggle of additional bad actors. These organizations are bent on farming us. They call this a public/private cooperative of philanthropy, but it is really plain old communism, where a few command the rest, about everything.
These are not our leaders. These are not our friends. These are posers, exploiting society with malice forethought, by private and public organizations. They are criminals; they need to die; we need to kill them. They have attacked and continue to attack us.
“Experts Say…”
If you’re a fan of the BOFH, and really, who isn’t?, then you are well acquainted with the lingual device of spewing a bunch incoherent words, that sound official, but are not understood by the recipient. At which point they go into “dummy mode.” As in: “>DUMMY MODE ON<” Have a read:
As the BOFH explains, dummies don’t grow on trees, it takes years of training …
When they can’t win an argument, because their argument is: “just because,” they divert into “expert opinion” bullshit. Liars lie. What they need from you is to not challenge them on their lies. When you do, they us the “expertise” tactic, so challenge further. At which point they simply censor all conversation, and defame reality. There are no conversations to have with these people, as they are committed to their ego driven ideology, with delusions of certainty, entitlement and control.
Experts denied the hazards of cigarettes, and now insist on man-made global warming. So what? These folks are decidedly divorced from reality, expertly so. Liars.
“Experts” are those who really don’t know what they are talking about. Most people don’t know what they’re talking about, but to really not know what you’re talking about, you have to be an expert.
Because you’re already living a lie…
If you are an ego driven ideology, then you are already living a lie, and are reluctant to call bullshit on bullshit, fearing the collapse of your own fake life. I point this out, because that was my experience of being an ego driven ideology, and my understanding too. When you’ve subordinated yourself to lies, then truths are fatal.
But only to the lies. Truths do set you free, from lies. Forget about certainty, entitlement and control. You’ve never had these anyway; they are nonsensical. My first relief when I quit looking for certainty, entitlement and control, is that I was no longer surprised or disappointed that the world didn’t revolve around me.
Turns out, I’m the one who didn’t know who I was. 🙂 Hah!
Political Correctness.
Its High School. Politics are always about doing the wrong thing. Political correctness is about protecting lies, guilt, doing wrong. This really shows up when there is a generational change in the public norms of political correctness. A changing of the big lie.
The bad people, and their fooled minions, use enthusiasm to sell their lies. Antifa is a state organization, not anti-facists. Black Lives Matters is a communist organization, not a civil rights organization. Planned Parenthood isn’t’ about planning or parenting, but killing the most innocent, by those who ought to best protect them.
These and many more examples typify the use of political correctness to protect their sorted lies. To question them is deemed rude and wrong and hateful and prejudiced and reactionary and so forth… They put a social cost on calling bullshit on their bullshit. Not that folks like me value their opinion anyway. But corporate HR? Oh hell yeah. So fuck corporate America.
The same goes for Hive Media. They are propagandists, not journalists. They are here to protect and spread the corruption, not reveal and destroy it. They are guardians of political correctness. They are the primary social programmers of society, asserting bullshit norms and narratives, hostile to truth and competence.
Social media illustrates pinnacle political correctness. You’d have to visit a college campus to find its equivalents in real world society. The bad people in social media fail with their arguments, and resort to censorship. Reliably too. Fuck social media, and the companies that use social media to socially program society.
How do we kill them? (We have to stop these subversives; we are not theirs to farm.) Let me count some of the ways.
Corporations are legal fictions, dissolve them.
Corporations have intellectual property, public domain it.
Where fraud happens, prosecute it.
Where legal processes fail, prosecute them too.
Truth kills lies.
Spirituality kills ideology.
Americanism kills not-American.
When and where you’re attacked, defend yourself.
Forever criminals are our enemies, not fellow Americans.
The political machinations of the UN, WEF, and a whole bunch of additional participants are at war with the people of Earth, us. They presume to own us, and exploit us as their farm animals, here to produce for them. They need to die.
Not all psychopaths are part of this evil, and many that are part of this evil are not psychopaths. But all of them are purposed to farm us. And they are making horrendous progress.
Too much of society is corrupt, broken, evil. Willfully incompetent. These are our enemies, and we ARE at war with those people. World war three. War criminals and their war crimes.
If we do not stop them, who will?
I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I am under attack, we all are, and they mean to control us, or kill us. So we have to kill them instead. This conflict is as old as we’ve been around.
Corruption protects itself by harming the innocent. Which sums up the year 2020. And America for a long time now. Understand, as the government chooses to continue to go bad, adopting the UN and WEF subversions, they too become our enemies.
I’m not calling for war, war is on us, like it or not.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.