Now that we’ve had time as a society, to see and recognize that this whole pandemic thing is an intentional act of war against us, by the Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs), an attentive, thinking person might predict that society would outgrow their foolishness, and get back to life as America. But such a person would do so from their inexperience with people, and those doing the harm. Such a person would soon learn that societies are always stuck on stupid.
The stupidity of people is astounding. Yeah, Astounding: “surprisingly impressive or notable.” Hear are some examples from which I want you to recognize that: People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.
People stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they are going to out grow it. They haven’t. They don’t want to.
The British Royalty (Royalty in general.)

Wow, Kings and Queens, princes and princesses. Please no. Royalty is a stupidity people choose to uphold, intergenerationally, rather than concede that the whole thing has been a scam, all along. Stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they’re going to learn and out grow it. They aren’t. We had to fight them, we won.
The Democrat Party in America.

Nearly everything bad that can be said about the earlier days of America, which is a lot, is attributable to the Democrat Party in America. Stalwarts of slavery, they caused America’s first civil war, the Jacksonian Era that slaughtered Native Americans, then Jim Crow America, now Abortion America, and on their agenda is Progressive America. They have always been allied with evil and exploitation, yet as psychopaths do, take the title of benevolent champion of the oppressed. People are so stupid, they choose to believe this. Stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they’re going to learn and out grow it. We have to fight, because these people are committed to killing us, and have been killing us since Roe V. Wade.

Marx and Engles, a couple of secular “winners” of the 19th century. They founded the ideology of communism, and the world has been worse for it ever since. I do give credit to their interest in finding solutions to perennial problems, and in this we are kindred, but I also blame them for fostering a patently stupid idea: “From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.” It is stupid because it puts back into the hands of an aristocracy, societal control. Under communism, you’re not entitled to the work of others, or the work of yourself. You’re not entitle to anything except what the government chooses to let you have. Uh huh. Stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they’re going to learn and out grow it. They aren’t.

Built from the lessons of the three examples above, European royalty, Democrat Party machinations, Marxist Ideology, we see a coagulation of “geniuses” called Progressives. Mind farting, mouth farting, middle managing moguls, who are going to make God’s creation better. Science! The supremacy of man! The critical flaw of progressivism is the idea that you can fix another person. That man can and must rule man. You cannot fix anyone other than yourself, and even then, with help from God, not man. Progressives are wrong about the problems, wrong about the solutions, and are really just fostering pretexts for ruling the world, same as all of the above. Stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they’re going to learn and out grow it. They are so stupid, they can’t see it.
Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs)

Ahh…pinnacle stupidity! Godhood of the 21st century. Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs), convinced that their organizational power and wealth make them an “exception” to the rule—that men are just men—they presuppose God responsibilities, and the powers to match. Today, we have pervasive global communications, built from the aggregates of digital communications. Our technical abilities are as great as ever, and continue to grow astoundingly. Yeah, astoundingly! The gaggle of these historically wealthy people, mostly gained from building these pervasive global digital communication networks, are in the process of trying to steal the world from us. They claim in the name of philanthropy, to “make us better.” Uh huh. More bullshit pretexts to “rule the world.” No. Hell no. Stuck on stupid. Good luck thinking they’re going to learn and out grow it. Not only do we need to fight them, we need to make them go away. They have war crimed on us horribly. Globally. And as bad as things have become in America, they are worse elsewhere, where the plebes of PEG government enjoy their new found God powers by way of the pandemic hoax. Eric Cartman approves!
There are lots of examples, but little time and interests. I’ve made a point here, that holding onto an idea that society will outgrow its abuses is wrong. Stupidity is greater even than God. Ask God, he’ll tell you that is so. (Free will.)
As to why this is so.
If you are a reader of mine, you’ll likely already know why this is so. Ego driven ideology. To put that into a word, the word is: importance.
People are tempted into a need to be important, even though the idea is absurd. We’re just part of the flora, not important. Importance doesn’t really even mean anything, except to ego, and ego’s need to be God. We matter, each of us, to the extent of our lives. That is the extent of our importance, which is internal to us, not external to creation, except as our part of creation. We matter yes, but important? What does that even mean?
Ego driven ideology lives within its own social schizophrenia.
Social schizophrenia, not physiological schizophrenia. I’ve worked with physiological schizophrenics, and that stuff will scare you. Scares me anyway. Social schizophrenia is chosen; physiological schizophrenia isn’t. This difference is important. Evil is willful incompetence. When you choose to be socially schizophrenic, you choose to be evil. Physiological schizophrenics are innocent, though affected.
Religions, academe, political philosophies, all of these are ideologies built from our desire, our need to have discernible answers to everything. Because if we are important, we’d “know” these things. Tempted into a life long quest on being anything but ourselves, we dig into these social institutions, and their absurd promises of certainty, entitlement and control. This is the promise of progressivism. The dominance of man over God and creation. Failing, war ensues because these idiots choose not to learn. They always fail too, as we are just men, not God.
Insanity. But they are serious about it. PEGs. Just browse the World Economic Forum, and it’ll scare you worse than schizophrenia. That’s what the disorders of 2020 are about, planned well in advance. All of it lies. All of it war crimes against us. They need arrest and prosecution, but good luck with that too, as legal practice is the natural realm of evil.
Americanism isn’t ideological. We deal with what’s real, not what we think is real, or what we want to be real. We accept reality as immutable, because it is. Reality is what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be. No exceptions. Not even PEGs.
- We have a spiritual experience and understanding of life, trusting beyond our ability to see and understand.
- We use the seven principles of freedom in cognizing (new word for me!) our experience and understanding of things.
- We use simple competence as the arbiter of correct, nothing else. We are singularly loyal to simple competence, not ideology.
None of these are ideologies. Rational yes, be we stay out of fantasy except for entertainment purposes. We’re better at that too, as you stupid ego driven ideology PEG’rs fuck that up too, taking even fantasy as too seriously.
What this means.
Unless we push for arrests and prosecutions of subversive elected officials, subversive media, subversive corporations, they are free to reign over us. They are not going to stop on their own. “People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.”
This also gives us the chance to inoculate ourselves from this sort of nonsense from this point forward. Well, this generation anyway. It keeps coming around, because we age out and die. New people don’t have the experience and understanding of these things, until it happens to them. Which it always does. It’s our turn, let’s not fuck it up.
Corporations can be dissolved, their intellectual properties made public domain. Bad people, like the Clintons and Obama, et. al. can be arrested and prosecuted. Corporations allying with subversive, terrorist organizations too, can be dissolved. Hive media can also loose their broadcast licenses, even if they are not dissolved and made public domain. They started it, we’ll finish it.
This is World War Three. How will we do? How will it end?
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.