Pure evil, overt willful incompetence is coming out of the mouths of evil people these days, regarding “privilege,” mostly by Progressive Establishment Globalists tools (PEGs). I offer my own perspective on privilege, and counter with what really matters, honor. The evil of PEGs is that much greater, when you see what is really wrong with privilege in society.
“Man must never rule man.”—Me.
“White Privilege” is bullshit, that thing we call out as Americans. “White Privilege” is being used to patronize blacks, confuse whites, and manipulate both whites and blacks into submission to PEG objectives, namely: unquestioned servitude. What they can’t get with their virus hoax, they’ll gather with their “white privilege” hoax. All of it is to manipulate the public into unquestioned servitude to PEG “authority.”
There are privileges. I define privilege as a special treatment not earned, deserved nor required. Privilege is optional and discretional. Ironically, it is an honorary status given at the discretion of those from whom the privilege effects. Discretion is important, let’s look at its definition from wikipedia:
Discretion: Discretion has the meaning of acting on one’s own authority and judgment. In law, discretion as to legal rulings, such as whether evidence is excluded at a trial, may be exercised by a judge. Some view discretion negatively, while some view it positively.
Acting on one’s own authority and judgment. Privilege isn’t authority over others, but deference from them, at their own discretion.
Fragile, fleeting, privileged. It cannot be imposed. It cannot be demanded, or commanded.
Being white, or black, or brown, or whatever, none of these are even sensical to an accurate understanding and use of the term privilege.
So what is being referred to by these >mouth-farting< PEG tools?
As is typical, predictable when dealing with ego driven ideologists, PEGs, they label innocent people with what they are guilty of, and take the label of innocent protector to continue and further their exploitations. Evil evil people all around.
They suggest privilege is a social control over others, that acts counter to the well being of these others, to the undeserved benefit of the “privileged.” They then say they are there to right these wrongs. Like I said, they label us, with their guilt, and take from us, our accurate description.
PEGs do use systemic social control over others, counter to the well being of these others, for an undeserved systemic advantage to themselves. How so? Organizational power, not “white privilege.”
Organizational Power
Organizational power is the use of the collective power of organizations, one group of people, against others, or even one. Alone, we are just people, one mostly like the other. But organized, there is an accumulation of capabilities that are far greater than what can be done as individual, or smaller organizations.
Organizational power isn’t a privilege, but is touted as privilege by PEGs and PEG tools. Organizational power is natural, wonderful, beneficial. But when the organizational power is re-purposed for political ends, the organization itself has been repurposed from its originating purpose, to serve politics. Politics are always about doing the wrong thing. Repurposed organizations are no longer what were. From the NFL to Boy Scouts of America. They’ve been body-snatched by PEGs to serve evil. And they do.
Repurposed organizations are everywhere these days. Sports, NPOs like the Boy Scouts, Hive Media, corporate America, like Nike. (NPO: Non Profit Organizations) All of these are repurposed for political objectives, completely unrelated to why they exist if the first place, and are championed as “woke.” (They’re not woke, but broke. If they were woke, they’d be American, and not evil.)
I’m not including the legal industries, governments, or politics, as these have always been about evil, about politics, about doing the wrong things.
As for religion and academe, well I’d say they both favor evil heavily, but like most things, they can be productive too. Productivity makes them American. The legal occupations, government and politics are not productive, but exploitative. They are the expenses in society, bad people criming their way into your life, and your stuff into their possession. Taxes, regulations, hoaxes that assume God power to rule you in every way.
Organizational power is what is really meant, when PEG tools speak the term “white privilege.” It isn’t white, or any color. It isn’t privilege. It is a hoax, like the covid pandemic. PEGs own the public spaces, the governments, they control the power of these organizations, so why are they doing this—I ask rhetorically. They are psychopaths.
Honor begets privilege, by engendering it. Privilege isn’t owed, so it isn’t earned. Privilege is engendered by an appreciation of goodwill for whom you wish to privilege. They honored you with exemplary work and results; you honor them a bonus, a privilege.
Remember, privilege is discretionary, and cannot be imposed, demanded or commanded. Discretion: “Acting on one’s own authority and judgment.” Privilege, in my experience, comes from when you honor those who respond in kind, by showing your gratitude, beyond payment as agreed, a bonus called privileges.
In ego driven ideology, the impossible is considered normal, but normal is considered impossible. Imagination is treated as done: “I think I am, therefore, I am.” But reality is treated as insurmountable: “Its not fair!” So honor as understood by ego driven ideology is about being worshiped. “We honor you!” Uh huh. But honor isn’t about being worshiped, its about showing respect and due diligence to the well being of those you choose to work with.
When I agree to do a thing, I commit my honor to doing it, as agreed—or better. When I ask for someone to do a thing for me, I am asking them to commit their honor to doing it, as agreed—or better. Likewise, on completion of the job, I ask to be paid, as agreed—or better. And when someone has completed work for me, I pay them as agreed—or better. Honor, commitments of trust, to each other, as agreed, or better.
Privilege is bonus.
Discrimination and esteem.
Competence is honor, and in routine affairs, we see it all the time. It is routine, American. Just because it is routine doesn’t make it any less desirable, but more so, as this is sustainable, productive. There isn’t any “unfair” discrimination. When proven trustworthy people are trusted. When proven untrustworthy people are distrusted. That’s common sense, not to trust those who hurt you.
And what does any of this have to do with “self esteem” or ego what-so-ever? None. Ego asserts Godhood, demands worship, considers itself “the exception to the rule.” Okay, so what? Ego is triggered by doubt, threatened by information. But so what? Fuck ego. All the way.
Esteem is nonsensical to Americanism. We are perfect exactly the way God made us, and being who we actually are, is effortless. So what does esteem have to do with anything, except ego? Fuck ego. Yes, all the way. 🙂
Contemporary “interpretation” of “privilege” is for propaganda purposes only. Those complaining about “white privilege” aren’t even talking about privilege itself, but a made up racists idea that because of race, white, other races, black, are systemically disadvantaged. Those fools equate competence with being white, and incompetence with being not-white. That competence is racists, and you have to be against competence if you are to be virtuous in their eyes. Hello evil! Goodbye evil!
Don’t be played. Don’t trust those who are here to hurt you, the psychopaths, the PEGs, Hive Media, politics. Those folks are not to be trusted, listened to, or tolerated. They have no honor, we give them no privileges. They are our enemies, and we defeat them by being American.
PEGs (Progressive Establishment Globalists) are especially evil here, as they have categorical organizational power. They own the public spaces, and the governments. Europe 2.0. Aristocracy rebounded. They use organizational power to confuse and belittle individuals, for the purpose of forcing them into unquestioned submission to their “cultural” authority. Fuck that. That works on not-Americans, but as American’s we’ve seen this before, repeatedly, and our answer is still: “Fuck off or die.” My fellow Americans:
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🤠
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.