Sound familiar? PEGs’ (Progressive Establishment Globalists) Hive Media, comprises corporate television, radio, Internet and newspapers. Hive Media does not exist to catch and report lies. Hive Media exists to instill lies into the public.
Hive Media are war operations, actively—viciously destroying the people with fake panic-propaganda, too many people being too stupid to doubt them. As always, a society led by lies is a society of chaos and failure, detached from God. God being what is real, whereas PEG lies are not.
Hive Media is crucial to PEG success, so I point that out here, to emphasize our need to call bullshit on Hive Media.
- lie about inadequacies, (It’s not your fault, you’re being cheated.)
- promise false solutions, (Progressive utopia awaits to fulfill your imagination’s demands! Just do as we say.) and
- blame competent people for the failings of their marks—the willfully incompetent. (Those people are keeping you down, cheating you out of your entitlements.)
Competent people are innocent of wrong doing, but their general health and productivity exposes the failures of incompetent people. Incompetent people hate this, and are the marks, the targets, of PEG operations.
PEGs recruit incompetents into PEG causes, these causes being the ideologies of lies that: deny inadequacies, provide false solutions, and blame innocent competent people for the failings of their marks, as just listed above. Look at who’s rioting.
Antifa and BLM, “the assholes,” are used to prevent legitimate protests? Maybe not.
Looking at subversive strong holds, the Democrat cities, you see lots of ongoing anarchy and violence. Murders, arsons, robberies, rock solid Democrat characteristics. But there are plenty of cities in which none of this is occurring, because they are not so very-well-supported by the local governments. Wanting to protest, again, myself, I realize that our cities are open to legitimate protests, while Democrat cities are burning to redemption. 🙂
If we begin protesting here, are they going to stay there? These assholes are busy, will they leave us alone? Only one way to find out.
If they attack us, what do we (Americans) do? Well, you know what we do, what we always do. Kill them. Especially in Florida. We are a stand your ground state. Attack us? Die. Fucker. That will clear up so much of this mess, messy people chosen to ill.
Not that the government isn’t evil, and the practice of law isn’t corrupt, but that we do, and will, have public cause to defend ourselves. Hive Media will be sure to lie about these things too.
A society led by lies is a society of chaos and failure, detached from God. This society.
Experts. Uh huh.
So while “experts” continue to to tell bold lies with expectations of God powers, and Hive Media pushes the “new normal,” our experience and understanding clear us to challenge and defeat these betrayals of public trust, these violations of civilian sovereignty, and this destruction of our peace loving society.
We are cleared to engage. Let’s make it so.
My loyalty is to God, secularly known as reality.
For me to accept a lie, I’d surrender myself to the domination of the liar, and reject God. Uh, no. I’m not going to do that. Accepting lies gives yourself to the story told by the liar, the God power the liar has over the story, that never ends. Not calling bullshit is nearly as bad as accepting it.
So don’t. Call bullshit. Speak up. Now is not the time to be quite.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🙂
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.
Announcement: I’ve recently added two more sites to my repertoire. and is my entertainment site on the joys of tobacco, namely cigars, and tobacco related things, like coffee, cuisine, community, and all around good living. No cigarettes though, as those are not good for you. 🙂 is my newly forming publishing company. The proper name is David Weeks Publishing, a non-fictitious name, and is our website. I will be publishing soon, and am vertically integrating relevant services. There’s a lot to publishing, but none of it particularly hard to do, so I’m in!
These sites are not even up, really, but you can visit them. Sign up to get updates.