Reflecting on my definitions of Americanism:
- spiritual living,
- the seven principles of freedom and
- simple competence,
I wonder if these are hard things to see and understand? I don’t think so, but I present stupid easy stuff all the time, and hear that it is not stupid or easy, but hard to comprehend. This happens a lot.
Nerds are like that.
Hmm. This is a problem, when writing, my objective is to be understood. (Not including when it is made “difficult” for strategic purposes.) It is on me to make this stuff intelligible. So I wonder, are my definitions of Americanism dependent on intelligence to flourish, or not? I say not. It’s about integrity, not intelligence.
By “It” I mean Americanism. Honesty is an acknowledgment, not an identity. Ego hates integrity. Spiritual living is about integrity, not intelligence. Spirtitual living is about not seeing and understanding, which is another way of saying “beyond intelligence.” The seven principles of freedom are utterly specific and incremental, because that is the minutia of analysis needed to lingually frame a working context of circumstances. (This explanation might be a bit much at first bite. Welcome to cognition engineering!) Simple competence is emphatically competence at its simplest, not fancy or complicated—which detracts from competence itself.
These are not unfathomable, but utterly simple and practical, which is why I use them to define Americanism. Americanism isn’t ideological, nor hard to learn, but honesty is requisite. And that is where people fail. People cannot be honest and ideological at the same time. The point of being American is to be honest. No matter what. Give up any ideas of certainty, entitlement and control—the objectives of ideology.
Growing up, I was labeled and schooled as retarded, well Morning Star. Special ed, special olympics, all of it. Mind you, as I recall, I was a sixth grade reader by the time I got to first grade, but experts agreed, I was retarded. Wrong. I was definitively hyperactive, and to this day, I feel bad for my parents and siblings, because I was, and am, a holy terror of a being. But not retarded. I have experience with the scale of intelligence.
Americanism is for everyone. And experts really don’t know what they are talking about. Fuck you experts. Homo Deus my ass. Homo dumb ass is more like it. (Thank you John, for the tip.)
I’m glad I was schooled from the short bus. I have insights that can only be had by experience. Perspective beyond imagination, beyond words. These writings are what I’ve made of these gifts, having them to share is why I am here. A good purpose, working on things I care about. True wealth, also beyond imagination.
Americanism is about integrity, not intelligence. Try it, you’ll see this is so. Honestly.
<cue emphatic lockout!> 🙂
Do be evil, be American.
Call bullshit on bullshit.
NOPEG! (No Progressive Establishment Globalists)
Don’t fail where it counts.
Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.