Why do people still watch the “news” when all you get is malevolent social programming?
Seriously, why?
People are not informed by “news” but programmed. I think it is because people don’t really think they are being programmed, but informed. They have a life time of not questioning what they’re told, and because questioning is risky, it is to horrific for them to even consider doing so. They don’t want to find out that everything they “know” is a lie.
I don’t think people watch the news telling themselves “Hey, this is all a lie.” I’ll put the “news” on to catch the weather, and unfortunately catch some social programming propaganda while waiting for the weather. Sitting there acknowledging “hey, this is all a lie.” That happens, but I’m not there to watch the “news.” What kind of person tunes into lies? No one. They believe the lies to be truths, and the truths to be lies. That’s why people still watch the “news.”
People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.
This is a religious war. All wars are. The religion of progressive globalism versus Americanism. I’ve written at length about “The Choice” between ego driven ideology or Americanism. People committed to their fiction culture, to wrong, are threatened by truth, not persuaded. They war on the innocent and competent people, because they themselves, by way of ideology, are decidedly incompetent. Evil. The innocent are information that destroys their delusion, of which they redouble their effort to remain insane.
In case you feel that you’re failing as a citizen unless you “stay up to date” on things, recall that worse than not knowing is being misinformed. Besides, right and wrong do not change with circumstances. “News” doesn’t change right and wrong. Ideologists tell “news” to bolster their fiction culture. Americans use news in the course of getting things done. Lies don’t get things done, but break things from working.
Perception is Reality?
So say the ideologists. This is a thing, that taking a knee is an accomplishment to an ego driven ideologist, because they are re-affirming their insanity. Identity re-affirmation is accomplishment for these sorts of people. Accomplishment for Americans is very different, like actual productivity, wealth building, not rages of ego/image fantasy building.
Identity is important to ego driven ideologists, but nonsensical to Americanism. We recognize that we are perfect exactly the way God made us, so who cares? Ego driven ideologists, that’s who. They are insecure because their lives are a lie. Reality is what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be.
Turn to things that are real, not malevolent. Things like this site, and others. People to people. Not person to organization. Establishment Globalists own and operate nearly all organizations, so what you get from them is malevolent social programming, nothing else. We are Americans, they are not.
Don’t fail in what counts.
Be American. Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.