People accuse me, accuse us, who refuse to wear a mask and obey hive media, as refusing out of pride. That’s projection on their part. They refuse to admit to being wrong about everything, out of guilt and their own ego driven ideology. The killing power of guilt and pride in the lives of ego driven ideologists is greater than God, greater than reality, greater than life itself. They will kill the world—with themselves in it—before conceding to truth. You figure out what’s next. War is on us, they won’t be denied.
Ego Driven Ideology is our enemy. Religion is the beast of biblical lore.
Religion is not godly, but beastly. Religion is the beast of biblical lore. Religion is about certainty, entitlement and control. None of which is true regarding our existence, or God’s existence. Religion is about beliefs, not faith. Again, certainty, entitlement and control.
People are all believing about their own religion, but do see the “fallacies” of others. Got news for you, your’s is no exception. As Americans, our faith is in God, not our understanding of God. Our lives are spiritual, not religious. Read more of my stuff to see how and why.
All “knowledge” is religious. All ideologies are religions. Progressivism is religious, a belief and expectation of how things should be. Justified by God (no, not really), “any means necessary” is virtue. Knowledge is power! This is the logic of ego driven ideologists, psychopaths, public-private cooperatives. This is the credibility of Establishment Globalists. None. That’s what’s wrong with them. What about us? What is wrong with Americans?
Politeness is our failing.
People going along for convenience, as politeness, is what’s wrong with us. We’re wrong like that. Self-isolating in silence. Eating bullshit one spoon at a time. Cowardness is not American. Eating bullshit makes us sick. So don’t eat bullshit, call it out instead.
The smaller the lie, the larger the victory for evil. We let slide small lies, then bigger lies, then loose our claim to reality itself, and wonder what happened.
The ever escalating absurdities of two-party government, baseline budgeting, deficit taxing, media lies and manipulation, corporate human resource policies, abortion is not murder, gay marriage, gender fluidity, systemic racism, “all lives matter” is racism, America bad, patriotism bad, progressivism good, Man-Godhood is salvation, the great reset, new world order; this steady escalation is used to push back actual propriety, Americanism, by nudging us within our bounds of politeness. These were planned years ago, and executed all along. Thank God Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t President.
Wake up Americans, you’re failing your country. Let no lie live! Call bullshit on all bullshit. Or die a polite death, knowing you failed the rest of us too.
Then, perhaps not, because Americans don’t fail America. Stand the fuck up, and fight, call bullshit on all bullshit. Now! Everywhere, all the time. That’s the cost of being an American, vigilance!
Be American. Stay American.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.