People are afraid of reality. We all die. People make up stories in place of reality, ideologies, because that is what they want to believe. People respect these fantasies as real, while warring on and against what is actually real. Ego driven ideology is the root of all wars, all crimes. Ego driven ideology is the ruling characteristic of criminal life. Ego driven ideology is our enemy. We call it fiction culture, or fiction cult, for short.
Straight up crime, man ruling man.This was the only story of mankind until those troublesome Europeans came to America, rebelled, and started an idea that some day may actually build into a nation, America. These rebellious, troublesome, uppity Europeans did so because they recognized, and had the opportunity to protect, their sovereign freedoms due their parity as fellow human beings. There are no lords, kings, queens, masters, just people and politics.
These uppity Europeans broke the aristocracy for about ten minutes, before they in turn imposed their own version of it, what I call Europe 2.0. This is the First Age of America.
George Washington though, was not one of those who betrayed America. I respect him as the First American. Earning his way to kingship, by European standards, he choose to be an American, recognizing his office as an office of service, not rule. I love you George Washington! Thank you for your service to our country.
Lots of noise later, we meet our Second American, Abraham Lincoln. Thick in the throws of Europe 2.0, he set back, but did not destroy, the political organization hell bent on keeping their rule over man. Slavers. Slavery is alive and well by the way. It is the objective of Establishment Globalist, who foster and protect it. This is what the virus-hoax is about. And wow, the same people who tried to kill America last time are still here, and trying to kill us again: The Democrat Party! Die motherfuckers die! The psychopathic death cult of slavery and murder. Parent of Nazi Germany, South African Apartheid, and evil the world over. Abraham Lincoln would have done more, but the bad people killed him first. Lesson taken, in not killing enemies, so they can kill us instead. Our enemies do not make the same mistake. I give them credit for that. That was the Second Age of America.
We are now at the Third Age of America. Establishment Globalists again, are making moves to herd and farm us. Democrats and Republicans alike, working to establish their rule. Like that Yale cunt George Bush Senior used to say: “The New World Order.” I worked for him by the way, dreamy with my love of America, distraught at seeing the myth of it all.
It is my belief that Establishment Globalist planned to murder the world right about now. They planned and expected Hillary Clinton to be President, and shat the pig when Donald Trump won. Not only did that keep another Establishment Globalist from Yale out of office, it saw Donald Trump, an American citizen they did not control, win. They lost that power outright. Thus the utter criminal corruption that still ensues to destroy him.
I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. I wanted Ted Cruz to win, but wasn’t going to vote for him either. Why? Because I do not vote for political party candidates. I submit blank ballots instead. A thing we’re going to use from now on. But, I am going to vote for Donald Trump this November, because he isn’t a Republican, even though he’s on their ballot.
When I see all those Bushies mouth farting about how they support Joe Biden, well, Donald Trump is my guy. Fuck the Establishment Globalists. Fuck the Democrat Party. Fuck the Republican Party. Vote for Donald Trump. (And please, no more Yalies.)
The innate advantage fiction cults have over realists, is that they HAVE to organize to promote their fiction culture, as it is not sustainable except by way of violence. (Violence being deception, manipulation and psychical altercation.) Realists are not naturally organized towards any specific thing, because we live in the freedom of competence. Ego driven ideologist only live by destruction, and to do that they have to rule. Otherwise they can’t tax and take. They are completely parasitic, they are psychopaths.
This matters entirely. Unless we organize and meet their organized attempts at rule with overwhelming force, they are going to force you into their slavery, on penalty of death. Do not doubt this, this is as reliable as death and taxes. Shit, death and taxes are reliable because of the reliability of bad people ruling innocents. Kill them, or be killed by them. This is the story of mankind.
Fortunately there are interim steps to take between these two ultimatums. To stop their progress, we need a show of overwhelming force. The Establishment Globalist having anticipated this obvious eventuality, socially programmed most of the residents of society into denying or excusing away any need to oppose them. The media, the governments, the political bug zappers (parties), even organized religion, they all give bullshit reasons of why we have to respect Establishment Globalists bullshit and concede to their rule. (Can I get a “Fuck ’em all?” Thank you!)
Uh, Americans don’t take rule, we give it.
In America, our governments were created for the purpose of protecting our rights, not giving them or taking them away. This charter, the US Constitution, first and foremost is established to protect us from government itself. Unfortunately, by way of compromise, Establishment Globalists, hell bent on farming us, corrupted this from the start. Europe 2.0. Slavery, no rights for women, no votes unless you owned land.
Losing the Civil War, the Democrat Party had to change slavery into Jim Crow, and then Jim Crow into Abortion—a pinnacle achievement in evil. Democrats are tearing down all the Confederate Memorials out of guilt and hatred. Those memorials memorialize their losing the Civil War.
Women finally got their God given right to vote, one of the sovereign freedoms due their parity as fellow human beings.
And since Establishment Globalist can neuter elections by controlling the candidates for office , the vote became irrelevant. There are extremely rare exceptions to the monopoly Establishment Globalists have on the candidacies in America, like Donald Trump, who get through anyway. And you see how they reacted to that.
Voicing my concerns and participation in the fight against Establishment Globalist subversion is one of my contributions to the Third Age of America. The second is my forth coming book: “Americanism. The Life Guiding Principles of Freedom.” I assert my own definition of Americanism. In order: Spiritual Living, The Seven Principles of Freedom, and Simple Competence.
The difference between Americanism and everything else, is our categorical rejection of ego and ideology. More completely put, ego driven ideology. Americanism isn’t egotistical nor ideological, as I define it.
Is third time the charm? The Third Age of America is here. Is America born, or aborted? We know what bad people do. What about Americans?
By the way, I thought Donald Trump would be a disaster, I was wrong. He’s the first American President since Ronald Reagan. As an American, I learned. To be wrong is to become right. Simple Competence. American. Support Donald Trump; piss off the bad people. We are all we’ve got. I’m not voting Republican. I am voting Trump. Leave the rest of the ballot blank, but IF there is an American running without party affiliation, support them, vote for them.
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.