Kill Them? Why Do We Have To Kill Them? David, You Sound Insane.

Civil War 2020 Cognition David-daily Policy

If you think reading an advocacy of killing is provocative, try writing one. I wrote a while ago, how violence doesn’t fix things, because if it did, we would have had peace a long, long time ago. Yet, we do still have violence, all around, all the time. (I’m getting to why.)

Violence occurs in three general forms: deception, manipulation, and when all else fails (which it does), physical altercation. But each of those are acts of violence, as they get a yes when a no would otherwise be given, or a no when a yes would be otherwise given. The Establishment Globalists use all three forms of violence, all the time. They have to, as they are ego driven ideologists. They believe and fight for bullshit.

The reason why Americanism, as I define it, works, is because we are not ideological. We are realists, not idealists. Establishment Globalists are idealists, not realists, therefore insane, and persist ONLY by way of violence.

The only morality of power is dominance. Now we get to why.

When the US governments, already hideously, murderously criminal with abortion, go further off charter—the US Constitution—and usurp dominance over the sovereigns of America, we the people, then it is on us to put them down. The Founding Fathers knew this would happen, and with foresight, added the Amendments to the US Constitution. On point, the Second Amendment is about having the weaponry needed to kill the governments. For days like these… They are the insurrectionists, not us. We are the sovereigns of America, not them.

(Elections are supposed to provide civilian control over governments, but we have party governments, not civilian governments, thus no elective power. Establishment Globalists did this to us early in the Republic. Support to establish, promote and protect civilian government. This is the only possible peaceable means of establishing and keeping America.)

Establishment Globalists are beyond truth and reason (ego driven ideologists). Their ideologies require mutual insanity (agreement) to exists. For those who disagree, they have to use violence to coerce disruptives into compliance. Information is destructive to ideology, so that too must be smote. Establishment Globalists ARE violence. Establishment Globalists already kill people by the millions; they think it is our turn. They think we are their farm animals.

Establishment Globalists war on us. The governments of the United States are ripping with elected subversives, by way of the two party system, wholly owned and operated by Establishment Globalists. It is for us Americans, to kill them for it. Or lose ourselves, betrayingly. Betraying all Americans who gave their own lives, in their own time, for us, that we still call ourselves Americans. We owe no less to the future. It is our time, our turn to be Americans.

These are not my governments; this is not their country. Without Americans there is no America.

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David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

Bonus, today’s song: The Green Leaves of Summer, by The Brothers Four, from Seattle, Washington, USA

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