To hear globalist elite Anthony Fauci talk about the virus-hoax, and how we’re all in this together, the evil of this guy affirms my experience and understanding of what an utter shame this virus-hoax happens to be. He is an active ardent globalist, tight with Bill Gates, and their mutual business interest in vaccines.
Anthony Fauci asserts the preposterous idea that we can and must control the spread of naturally occurring viruses, and that the solutions to these viruses are: mark-of-the-beast mask wearing, social distancing and his vaccines. In case you’ve not heard, he’s adding to the list. When you find a thing that works, keep using it. So far the virus-hoax is working. Covid-19 is loosing credibility, so with the help of China, they’re ginning up some more.
Those last objectives are their first objectives. Command and control, and mandatory vaccines. They know they cannot, will not stop the spread of viruses, but they DO use the idea of stopping the spread of viruses to command and control society and force their vaccine products onto the world.
Establishment globalists are on record for wanting, planning and working to do just that. Public-private cooperative—their term. The virus-hoax is about dominating the world with their public-private cooperative.
Global warming failed, so they’ve switched it up, and now use a micro-biology trick to trap us. It is also where Bill Gates has put his money. Any friend of Bill Gates is an enemy to me.
Anthony Fauci knows what he’s talking about. Its just that what he’s saying to us he knows is a lie. Anthony Fauci doesn’t know shit about this virus. Anthony Fauci is subversive. No, we’re not in this together.
Looking at the ego driven ideological cabal, of establishment globalist, at: all governments, the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, the European Union, global corporations, organized religion, most of education, Yale University, all media networks, google/youtube, facebook (fakebook), twitter, the World Economic Forum , the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations, and many many more; looking at these people, their values, what they do, what they want to do—what I have to say is: “Hell no, we’re not all in this together.”
You and yours are belligerently offense to me and mine. You reek of ego driven ideology, antithetical to reality. We are Americans, you and yours are self-exterminating societies of insanity. Not Americans. No, we’re not in this together. No, we can’t just get along. No, not at all. There is no “we.” There are Americans, me and mine, and then there are folks like yourselves, not Americans. Call yourselves whatever you want, but if you call yourselves Americans, then you’re lying about that too.
In the interest of actual diversity (ya’ll talk a lot of shit about diversity, after all), it is best we remain separate. That means you leave us the fuck alone. I do not support: ideology, or willful incompetence, or the rule of man over man. I will not tolerate, let alone participate in: ideology, willful incompetence, or the rule of man over man. Such ideas make us mortal enemies. Americans don’t, won’t, live that way, or with such people. Your ideologies are far deadlier than any plague, real plagues too, not this virus-hoax you’re trying to trick and trap us with.
Keep thinking about how great you are establishment globalist. But leave us Americans alone, or we’ll sort you right quickly. Something (duh) tells me we’re going to have to do that anyway, so we’re on it.
Leaving on a good note, here’s something to cheer you up: Life with the Maule in God’s Country
Freckles rock!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.