Living in Tampa, Florida, until yesterday, the worst of government subversion had not yet affected me, meaning the lock down bullshit, the mask wearing bullshit, and the social distancing bullshit—none of those things really got in the way of my daily living.
Until yesterday. And the cunts in office finally committed an act of war on me. I am denied services at my local stores because of these hideous, evil, vile cunts in office. You’ve declared war, challenge accepted. Fuck you. Die.
When does civil war start? At the first aggression. Aggression done.
The only means of government persuasion is murder. Tyranny is murder. While the police take an oath to uphold the US Constitution, they are oath breakers, following the political machinations of the cunts in office. At this point the police have the credibility of rioters, not officers of the law, because they have chosen to be criminals. Like those cunts in office. They choose to serve their political overlords, betraying their larger role in the well being of society, a role immediately more important than the cunts in office.
So its war. Enemies. To the death. I am coming for you. We are coming for you.
Fuck you, die.
Lest you think I’m getting carried away, going too far, you need to acknowledge the tyranny of these “orders” and the hoax pretext of their “decisions.” When you believe lies, truth is heresy. There is no pandemic. This very scenario has long been planned and war gamed, for the express purpose of subverting the people. Destroying America. These elected officials are subversives. That’s how they got there, through the political parties. Where are the “Republicans?” Right where they’re told to be, sitting down and shutting up. They are owned and operated by the establishment, same as the Democrats.
Here is a piece from ten years ago, explicitly, specifically describing what is going on right now: Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite
There is no political solution to this aggression. God knows I’ve tried, and those who care to look, will agree. Politics is always about doing the wrong thing. We are at blows, and the cunts in office struck first.
Here’s the single most important principle at play, the Third Principle of Freedom: Responsibility.
Liberty follows responsibility because it has to. To take a person’s liberty, claim the responsibility. They assert the responsibility of reversing nature, and stopping a virus, hoaxed as a pandemic, and are therefore entitled to command and control everything about you. That’s nuts, we can’t control shit. And no, my health is my responsibility, not yours.
Fuck you. No.
“Stopping the spread of the virus.” isn’t even a legitimate objective. Let alone possible. But it is a sell-able pretext to subvert America, which the cunts in office have now done. Actions planned ahead and apart from any particular “pandemic.” Die.
There is no credibility for those who say otherwise. They are serving their ideology, the New World Order, not reality, Americanism. Even if there were a pandemic, destroying America is not the answer. These folks are demented and of bad faith. They are subversive criminals and must be taken out.
In the interest of winning this civil war, I say no more about my efforts at this time.
I see that you have been well organized all along.
I see that the establishment owns and operates the public spaces, especially the media, and political apparatchiks like yourselves.
I see that even our elections are a farce, because you, establishment, have always been able to limit election choices to political party cunts, obedient to your agenda, and not the American people.
There is no political solution to your tyranny, only the dominance of force. The Founding Fathers knew about you when they wrote the US Constitution. That’s why we have weapons. Fuck you. Die.
This conflict has moved from the First Amendment to the Second Amendment. So while you’re busy committing crimes and atrocities against Americans, we are lawfully organizing the extinction of you and yours. Cause if we don’t kill you, you’ll certainly kill us. That’s been your plan all along, and you’ve already begun. You even delight in killing your own children, as a virtue. The only thing I trust you to do, is the wrong thing.
You are not my government. This is not your country.
Fuck you. Die.
I apologize in advance, for any ambiguities. 🙂
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.