Mike the Cop: The Fulton County DA Disgrace


This is my submission to the recent posting of Mike the Cop: The Fulton County DA Disgrace

The practice of law is political, and politics are always about doing the wrong thing. That turd thinks he’s “the law” but no, he’s not. What you have to worry about though, is the cooperation of the legal system, the courts, in up holding these lies. The governments are utterly corrupt. Legal practices have always been corrupt. And there is s globalist action underway, we are being attacked, to ruin and reign over, America. Facts.

Fake virus pandemic. Fake racism triggered. Churches closed, pastors arrested. Government mandates on attire and behavior that are flagrantly un-constitutional. The whole point is to confuse, frustrate, command and control. Their attempt to intimidate law enforcement is to use the race riots and bullshit legal assaults like the case at hand.

They’re “bringing in the herd.” Or trying too.

The Founding Fathers dealt with just this sort of bullshit. We have the First and Second Amendments for just this occasion. The ONLY morality of power is dominance. Or as Nash so wisely said, in Army of Darkness: “Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the gun.” It does come down to use of force. Just look at the rioters.

As for law enforcement, your loyalty is to the US Constitution, not the politician of the day, who regardless of political party, serve the interests of the establishment, who are now globalists. My interest in being an officer was to stop bad people from hurting good people. Not serving the political machinations of government apparatchiks. Fuck those guys, I serve the people. Injuries kept me from becoming a Tampa Police Officer, one of my life goals, following my grandfather David Weeks. Even though I passed the fitness test, and the rest of it, I decided not to join because I would be physically unreliable.

I didn’t become an attorney either, having been romantic about the protection of law, I soon learned the practice of law is about making money from people’s troubles. Fostering those troubles too.

Remember this: nothing changes with events. Right and wrong are the same always. Keep your resolve, your fidelity to right, in the littlest of things, in the face of being commanded to do wrong. In all things, stay true to what is right and real. Or you’ll regret it and further the destruction of America.

As for elections. They too are fake. I speak first hand. The political parties own the election process, and the media enforce that monopoly. When the only people you are able to vote for are establishment loyalists, what’s the point? This is a thing. Why is it we only have Democrats and Republicans? Systemic establishment control. Facts. I speak from years of experience.

None of the institutions of society are legitimate any more. They’ve all been repurposed over the last fifty or so years, to bring about the “New World Order.” That’s not conspiracy, nor is it secret. You just don’t hear about it from the media, because they are part of the effort to farm us.

Here’s one example of legitimate information on what’s up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U9iqVJnxek&t=341s (or google: computing forever new world order)

Jane Castor, Mayor of Tampa, Florida, just mandated mask wearing. Like she’s got the authority to do so. Jane Castor was career TPD, and former Chief of Police. WTF? I’m not going to wear a mask. If I had been wearing a mask, at this point I would not, solely because I’ve been ordered to by the government. An order that has no basis in law.

To comply is to fail as an American.

This is my fight at hand. To just say: “Go fuck yourself.”

Because government’s only means of persuasion is to murder, this is the occasion in which we move from the First Amendment to the Second Amendment. As Americans, it is absolutely crucial that law enforcement NOT participate in aggressing on the people for unlawful mandates. If and when you do, you’ll lose everything, especially the support of actual American citizens. You’ll be just another rioter, hurting us. Politics be damned. More facts.

So before this gets any longer (too late!), remember, as law enforcement goes, so goes society. Your responsibilities are larger than the political standing of those who assume to command you. You are first in line, with the military and intelligence communities. Here for love of America and its people. Not the political parties, the legal system and establishment people farming operations.

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida. God love us.

(Note, this was raw written, once through, with only a couple of edits. There are typos.)

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