The Difference That Fails

Just a quickly tonight ( 🙂 ), taking note of how competence is the arbiter of correct. Competence engenders competence. Incompetence produces excuses. Competence is sustainable, as it provides for itself. Incompetence is not sustainable, as it only takes, never produces, except for excuses. I note these having recently observed a situation where someone tried […]

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Bad People and Their Bullshit

Another Sunday come and gone, and America is still under Chinese Communist Party domination. More popularly know as the covid-19 pandemic hoax. Subversives are still pushing for more restrictions and to make them permanent, forever. “New normal” anyone? Even though we can now see that there was never a pandemic. Hive Media and their Progressive […]

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Kill Them? Why Do We Have To Kill Them? David, You Sound Insane.

If you think reading an advocacy of killing is provocative, try writing one. I wrote a while ago, how violence doesn’t fix things, because if it did, we would have had peace a long, long time ago. Yet, we do still have violence, all around, all the time. (I’m getting to why.) Violence occurs in […]

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