Still Election Day…
>did not post today< (except this notice, the day after.)
Continue ReadingThese are not my governments; this is not their country. Spread the word!
Articles on Civil War America, 2020.
>did not post today< (except this notice, the day after.)
Continue Reading>did not post today< (except this notice, the day after.)
Continue ReadingPolitics is always about doing the wrong thing. Violence. Violence is deception (lies), manipulation (social programming) and physical altercation (political minions). These are the tools of politics, including the practice of legal, organized crime. You know, politics. Reality though is none of these. Reality is what it is regardless of what we think it is, […]
Continue ReadingThis is a simple reminder, that despite the pandemic hoax, and the bad people running marshal law over society, to hurt us, they are ONLY able to do this because too few of us are telling them to go fuck themselves, and ignoring their mandates. This is our life, not theirs. We need to beat […]
Continue ReadingWhen I assert that we are in World War Three, and that unless we kill our enemies, they will kill us, this assertion is soberly accurate. We are being attacked by deranged people, ego driven ideologies, that HAVE to kill us to maintain their delusions. They choose this. They live to enslave humanity into global […]
Continue ReadingLies are violence. That’s a big deal. People lie when they fail to live up to reality, but want to present themselves as competent anyway. This usually involves participation with other people, who have realistic expectations, that when working with liars, are cheated. By malice forethought. Let’s not forget scams. Stealing, by way of violence, […]
Continue ReadingDue to corrupt government/media/corporate attacks on society, it is significantly harder to spend time with others. Too many people are afraid of the pandemic hoax because they believe the bullshit they hear on Hive Media. Many of the places we’d gather and play are closed, further assaulting us. What I want is a community of […]
Continue ReadingPolitics is always about doing the wrong thing. Hive Media, the governments, and fortune 1000 companies are all in on destroying the world to turn it into theirs to own and exploit the people of the world, us. Covid-19 is a lie. The pandemic is a lie. Mask wearing is a lie. Social distancing is […]
Continue ReadingI define governments as: criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. This definition is my own, gotten to by years of experience and purposed study. It is also the best I’ve ever seen. Legal practice and government have always been a natural field for psychopaths. And psychopaths are […]
Continue ReadingWhen I advocate killing people, and I do advocate killing people, I do so because these people I advocate killing, are bad murderous people, actively killing us without pause or hindrance. If you don’t kill the bad people, you will die by them. It is like that. Always has been. Its called war. War is […]
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