Obey Your Bubble!

Civil War 2020 Fundamentals

Hey? I’m still here. Its been a while, so here’s a quicky. 🙂

Willful incompetence is the essence of evil. My appraisal of those choosing to promote and adhere to lies is that they are evil. Of bad intent. Courtesy of Dan Bongino, it might well be too, that they are hopelessly stupid. Logistically, it makes no difference. Bad actors are to be avoided, and when unavoidable, defeated.

I teach that in living life you have a choice. A singular choice. To be an ego driven ideological lunatic. The default in life. Or to be spiritually lived, trusting beyond your ability to see and understand. Ego driven ideological lunacy is the natural state of being. (Remember, sanity is accepting that you’re crazy.) Spiritually lived life is the super-natural state of being. These are your choices in living life. There are no others.

Ego driven ideological people live within their own fiction culture, at war with reality, never satisfied, never competent. Their ego driven ideology is the bubble they live >within<. They live inside their own limits, assuming of themselves, Godhood, “specialness,” inevitable victim-hood, unwilling to learn because they will not question their ideology. They choose to believe their fiction culture, their ideology, over reality itself. They NEVER question their bubble. They obey it, and demand you do the same.

This explains the cohesiveness of lies, and a life of “high school” society. All of it bullshit, all of in hateful contempt for the competent and innocent, as the competent, the innocent are constant reminders of their failure in life, constant threats to their bubble. Constant threats to their ego driven ideology.

They are addicted to the emotion of “knowledge.” They are abhorrent of experience and understanding. They decide things, rather than perceive and discern. Their emotion of “knowledge” lets them self-delude themselves into certainty, entitlement and control. Three things they NEED because they do not choose to trust beyond their ability to see and understand. If they did, their bubble would pop, and they’d be on their way to spiritual living.

Their high-energy assertive aggressive defense of their fiction culture is evidence of the fear they have of its exposure as bullshit. They know it is bullshit, but choose it in place of reality, thus willfully incompetent, thus evil.


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