PEG Tools, Criminal Rules, Criminals Rule

Action Civil War 2020 Fundamentals

You ain’t seen nothing yet. It is going to get a whole lot worse. These open criminals are so secure in their rule, they are going to re-purpose what pretends to be the American governments, into eliminating all Americans. Genocide. Don’t forget, these are the same criminals who have celebrated killing the unborn for decades now, by the millions. Killing us next just makes sense. They are PEGs. (Progressive Establishment Globalists)

Having gotten away with claiming God powers, by way of the pandemic hoax, stealing the election from Donald Trump with celebrated impunity, they see themselves clear to now classify, identify and eliminate us. This isn’t news to me, I’ve been saying this for a long time. It might be news to those of you who are finally recognizing the gravity of our situation: extermination. But not me. I’ve been on this for a while now.

Hive Media attacks.

None of this is spontaneous. All of this is planned, tested and now implemented. Hive Media, owned and operated by the PEGs, is upping its efforts to villainize us and make us, all Americans, into objects of hate, by the shit people, the minions under the influence of PEG social programming. Nothing new here, just recognize that Hive Media is here to program your beliefs and opinion about everything.

Law enforcement, you know what this is like, what this is about, that this is true. PEG tools and criminal rules, criminals rule. They’ve been doing this to you for years, and now we’re on that list with you, Americans. Happy to be here. Let’s actually enforce law, not legal, and not politics.

These people stay inside of their own narative, the fiction they teach—not report—to socially program society into compliant behavior. They are VIOLENT about EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME. Deception and manipulation being the first two forms of violence. And they’ve been covering for the physical altercations of their own subversives all along.

Violence occurs when the acts are for lies. Assertion of truth is NOT violence, including physical altercation. Assertion of truth is simple competence, the antithesis of evil. Ego driven ideologists see it the other way, where violence occurs when acts are not for lies—their lies—their ideology, specifically. PEGs cannot, do not, survive truth. This is the basis of identity politics.

Their side crashes the Trump Rally, fucks shit up, and now suddenly, Trump supporters are terrorists. Violence against us, all around. Fuck these people.

The irony.

The irony of these criminals condemning violence, and asserting that America will not fall to terrorists, is hilarious and sad at the same time. They have indeed terrorized and defeated the political mechanics of America, by way of the never ending violences of deception, manipulation and physical altercation. They are demented ego driven ideologists, willfully incompetent, evil. Not-Americans. Subversives who HAVE to be killed, as they’ve taken control of all political mechanisms. Media, courts, elections. We’ve nothing left but to fight, as foreseen by the Founding Fathers, and the Second Amendment.

We the American People are down to the Second Amendment, which relies solely on US. If we fail, America dies. There is no America without Americans. There are no Americans without Americanism.

They ain’t it.

PEG tools. Criminal rules. Now criminals rule. America has NEVER been properly realized. From America’s start, the bad people were there to shit-in-the-salad, with slavery and the disenfranchisement of women. Shame on us. I’m happy these recent subversions finally happened, that the few remaining threads of legitimate Americanism are now gone. It gives meaningful experience to people, who can now see the meaning of what I’ve been saying. It is no longer just an idea, but real. This can only occur by experience. These PEG assholes just gave that to us. Thank you PEG assholes.

Now we get to kill it, and restore America. Yeah, we’ll build back better, not them. The flaw in their conquest for global communism is us, that in the event of remaking a thing, control returns to the good guys. To us, by way of civil war. They started it, we win. If there are any American left to found America, that is. Join me. Join us. The only morality of power is dominance. We have reality on our side. What are we waiting for? Start by calling bullshit on the bullshiters. It gets better from there.

Legitimate American government, like legitimate Americans, serve, not rule.


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