I’m giddy with glee this morning, having heard the “news” that Georgia’s two US Senate seats were “won” by shit bag Democoms. And today, I hope Donald Trump’s efforts to thwart the theft of his victory fails. These actions are so flagrant, so arrogant, they will help begin the birthing of America.
Make no mistake, Donald Trump won reelection. I voted for Donald Trump, as I don’t consider him a Republicom—and neither do the Republicoms. I believe the two Georgia Republicom candidates won their elections, but the two party Progressive Establishment Globalists, PEGs, just said no. They used their Chavez card and rigged it. Criminals. These are shit people folks. They stink.
Governments are criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. Duh?
So why am I giddy with glee?
Finally! I am not completely alone in having been disenfranchised in the land (but not nation) of America. The only thing that’s changed for me, is that the rest of you who would be Americans, are losing the deception you’ve had all these years, that the Republicoms were a meaningful means of participating the the protection and well being of America. Do you now see how wrong you happen to have been? I’ve taught this for years now, only to be laughed at. Who’s laughing now? I am. Hee hee.
These are not my governments, this is not their country. Spread the word!
There is no path forward by way of the two party trap, that got us precisely, criminally, here.
The only morality of power is dominance.
We’re here now. What to do?
First, if you don’t think they’re out to kill you, then you’re just too damned stupid to be helpful. Go away. For those of you still here, make no mistake, we are down to warfare. Guns, ammo, marksmanship. The Second Amendment is the only part of the US Constitution that depends solely on us. Let’s not fail what’s left of it.
We have to kill key political subversives, including those who stole the election. The Harris Administration is an illegitimate administration. Donald Trump won reelection. No one else. To law enforcement, if you fall in behind and obey these criminals, then you too are subversive to be killed. And yes, I do understand what I’m saying.
I put my life on the line too, as this is all I have to give. In service to America, not this abomination nation. I’m an American, nothing else. Politics are always about doing the wrong thing. Americans are about doing the right thing. These two cannot co-exist. The only morality is dominance. As law enforcement goes, so goes the country.
Political efforts?
Civilian America is the vision I arrived at after having been denied my place on the ballot, back in the day. The government said I did not qualify, even though I met the “requirements.” The government is criminal, the practice of legal is political, and I’ve not forgotten.
Civilian America, elections devoid of party participation, where candidates are directly, undividedly answerable to their constituency. The only organizational influence over candidates must be that of the electorate, not political parties, PACs or corporations.
Organizational power is destroying our individual rights. Global communists are here to farm us, and they are succeeding. Because they control the organizations that permit candidacy. Except for Donald Trump, and you’ve seen what they’ve done about that.
Time to kill them.
It is time to kill them. Bad people hurt us endlessly, without repercussions. Is it any wonder they are succeeding? We do not have any control over government, and government is now fully hostile to Americanism, to Americans. Enemies, not opponents. War.
Do not cooperate with government. Mum is the word. Do not comply with their mandates, curfews, orders. They are our enemy, and we will find occasion to kill them as they aggress on us.
As for high-value hard political targets, we have people well able to Phoenix their asses. We’ll leave that to them. Law enforcement, you can help here too.
Until we form a meaningful, hardened organization capable of fighting these invaders, we’ll have to ad-hoc it for now, taking advantage of their agressions as they occur.
That’s it for now. Posting this is categorically dangerous for me. Well fuck me then. Someone’s got to pick it up and fight. Against the subversive, not for them, like the Democoms and Republicoms.
Don’t forget, Hive Media is evil, don’t listen to it. Corporations are repurposed, don’t trust them. Governments are subverted, fight them.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.