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My ego says I was supposed to, but my interests are in purpose, not vanity. David
Continue ReadingThese are not my governments; this is not their country. Spread the word!
My ego says I was supposed to, but my interests are in purpose, not vanity. David
Continue ReadingChoose not to post. My ego says I was supposed to, but my interests are in purpose, not vanity. David
Continue ReadingToday the US Supreme Court rendered what I already believed, that the US Constitution is irrelevant, as is the US Supreme Court. They have put us to ruin. This election was stolen by brazen, obvious treachery and subversion. The governments themselves so corrupt as to prevent even a hearing on the matter. Outrage is their […]
Continue ReadingThat’s what I have to say about the year 2020. We are occupied by the bad people, and come 2021, they intend to start hurting us even more. Never forget, they are lying predators, and we are their prey. Prepare to fight, and fight. Your fight for now is to call bullshit on bullshit. That’s […]
Continue ReadingI’m still un-productive. The bullshit on hand is hurting me, logistically. Layer one, physical altercations. Those cannot be dismissed by indifference. They have to be fought. The Shit People are shit people, and dealing with them is troublesome these days. They are aggressively violent in every way possible. To those very few who keep up […]
Continue ReadingProgress, but not finished. Perhaps I’m trying too hard, or not hard enough? David
Continue ReadingIts not ready.
Continue ReadingAnother day away from the keyboard. David
Continue ReadingI’m working on a piece, called: “Outrage Doesn’t Count,” which calls bullshit on our noisy, but feckless outrage. We’ve got to assault these systems, even to the point of armed lethal attacks. This is the end of America, should we allow this to happen. There is no First Amendment without the Second Amendment. The purpose […]
Continue ReadingI’m not posting today, as what I’m working on isnt’ ready. Probably tomorrow though. David
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