All Chinese Communism Is Local


The collective pinnacle of psychopaths organized into the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Democrat and Republican parties, Hive Media, businesses, and governments the world over, are right on schedule for their completion of global communist domination. AKA: “The Great Reset.” Or “Building Back Better.” Lying fucks, all.

Those who need to rule, are defeating those who choose to serve, to the ruin of all of us who insist we be left alone.

Please visit my recent post: How Can You Tell A Criminal Is Attacking You?

The Chicom operatives in my local governments are “on-script” for the “Great Reset” agenda. These are subversive, mortal enemies, holding the reins of local government power. So I might well not be here much longer. Such is life. Other’s have had worse. I accept that.

And keep fighting.

When you fold your personal sovereignty to the un-lawful government command to wear a mask, you quit as an American, and subjugate yourselves to endless tyranny. The mask IS the break point of society, which is why they are adamant about everyone having to wear one. It marks the subjugated from the Americans, allowing further attack on Americans, to coercively subjugate them or kill them outright. That’s me. Is this you, too?

If you fold to the mask “requirement,” then it is clear, you’re not going to be a problem for them.

My value in this fight is to fight as what I am, an Information Developer. Our first-responder community needs to step up and do what they do best: protect us—not hurt us—as these Chicom operatives dictate you to do.

Their’s is an ideology of absolute rule, Chinese Communism. Not Americanism. A middle-management paradise; a Man-God utopia. Where we are their property, farmed and consumed.

“Those committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.”

First responders know this better than anyone. There is no protection of legal. The legal industry is political, and politics are ALWAYS about doing what is wrong.

This country is no longer America. It is “Hong Kong’d.” What are we going to do about it?


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