Contact, that’s how. They’re in your business.
When I saw a unification of forces coalesce under the leadership of PEGs (Progressive Establishment Globalists), I immediately recognized that we were at war. They attacked, and being criminal, nothing from them is to be treated as anything other than part of their attack.
And this bore true.
Here’s a video, from fifteen years ago, that says all that needs to be said, about PEGs:
I don’t trust Trump. I don’t trust any of them. I don’t trust any of it. They are the worst sorts of people yet, in the history of mankind.
Forcing this genetically altering vaccine on the people of the world is their move to capture and control us. Fact.
They have always meant for it to be mandatory. They have always planned on the MacGuffin of a virus as cover for genetically re-programming the people of the world. And these damages are irreversible.
They must be stopped, and to stop a criminal, you have to kill them. For their crimes, they deserve to be killed. They know this, and have planned their defenses.
It is us or them.
Governments are always criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the establishment. Those who server, need to kill those who would rule, those who will rule, if we don’t stop them.
Aristocracy isn’t a theory, but the history of mankind. There is no doubt, no question of duty. Own it.