Hey Assholes, the Masks Are Political

Civil War 2020 David-daily Fundamentals

This is for those (unlikely) face diaper wearing readers who hazard the reading of what I have to say. I just got abused by TV (11/12/2020) waiting for the weather, by a piece showing a re-worked rendition of the Nutcracker Suite, “performed” here in Tampa, Florida. The center piece of the performance is that all the performers were wearing masks.

Oh, and the performers were children.

The swishy fuck in “charge” was praising how the kids all adapted to performing in masks, and everyone is sooooooooo safe. The vacant smiles on TV talked about how wonderful this new normal happens to be.

These policies are planned and implemented for political purposes, not health purposes. Covid-19 is an effective Chinese MacGuffin by which in-place subversives (Democrats and Republicans) claim God power to themselves, and subjugate us to government coercion. Little by little, apart from reality, they use this to publicly mark and mandate adherence to their “mandates.” This is Chinese Communist Party behavior. They are winning.

So assholes, the masks are political requirements, not health related. They demonstrate the public’s submissive compliance to the political dictates of the subverted governments of America. The American branch of the Chinese Communist Party. We are occupied, and you mask-wearing socially distancing fucks are their useful idiot-minions.

Not Americans.

“There is no social order, except for what we make of things. Look at what they’ve done!”


This begs the question of authority. We are supposed to be protected by the US Constitution, but who can deny that we are not? Liars and fools only. We Americans are not liars nor fools, though you face diaper wearing fucks are.

Are we protected by legal? No.

Ask Jesus. In case you’ve forgotten:

“There is no social order, except for what we make of things. Look at what they’ve done!”

Governments are ALWAYS criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God (authority), in service to the establishment (aristocracy). Governments and legal practice are political, and politics are always about doing the wrong thing.

I expect that as an American, I am truly, utterly without a country. I expect that today this shame election, this fraud which did not elect Kamal Harris as President of the United States, will complete its operation, and put Kamal Harris in as President of the United States. But it is not legitimate, nor are the courts, the Hive Media, the political process.

Will the law enforcement community turn, and become American Chinese Communists? Probably. Is society going to armed conflict? Certainly. They’ve been doing that all year, with the blessings of said Chinese Communists subersives already in government.

So the real question is will Americans take back our country? Don’t know, right now we have to fight.

“People committed to doing wrong, are not interested in doing right. So we have to fight.”

Those in law enforcement KNOW this.

The Chicom Occupants are attacking all opposition, and soon the government forces will also be prima facie Chicom aggressors. This war would be fought with information, with our voices, but they’ve quarantined our voices, keeping us from social media and the vacant smiles of “main stream” media, courtesy of those being Hive Media. This moves us from the irrelevant First Amendment, to the irrelevant Second Amendment. For those still paying attention to the US Constitution.

To wage war, where we cannot use our voice, and where we are coerced, we fight with physical force, the only thing left for us to do. It is that, or be “cattled.” It is: Noo or Moo. 🙂

As to who we attack? Chicom leadership. Subverted government “officials.” Hive Media operatives. Chicom assets. And the Shit People too, if we are attacked by them. They are not afraid of us, and that is their mistake, one they will quickly address. If we do not kill them, they WILL kill us. The only morality of power is dominance.

None of those are Americans. Unlike gender (according to them), you can’t just claim to be American, and so it is. To be an American, you HAVE to BE an American. You face diaper shit heads, you Shit People, you are NOT Americans.

“These are not my governments; this is not their country. Spread the word!”

Ego driven life, or spiritually based living. Those are the choices. They (not-Americans) have the ego driven need to rule; we (Americans) have the spiritually based desire to serve. Ego is loyal to insanity, with the false promises of certainty, entitlement and control. Spiritually based living is grounded in reality, where we are grateful just to be here, doing what we can, with what we’ve got. The two are exclusive from each other. But the choice is yours.

Those who serve, need to kill those who would rule.

My death with find its own way to me, but my life? That’s up to me. I choose to serve.

I might have “Outrage Doesn’t Count” ready for tomorrow. Seems appropriately timed too.

Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!

Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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