The nice thing about lying, is that you get to just make it up. And then change it, and change it, and excuse it, and use it to blame, deceive, manipulate and control—others. Unlike reality, which is out of our control, lying is easy and limitless!
There is one catch though. Lies are not real, so it is imperative that the mythos of your lies NOT be challenged or questioned. In other words, your lies are only as good as their ability to deceive.
To help with this, organize people around the lie by giving them self-interested reasons to worship and praise your lies. That way when people are tempted to question your lies, you have group-think pressure to stop them. “All of us are wrong, or you are.” goes the idea.
You know. High school.
Hive Media Social Programming.
No wonder then, that pretty much EVERYTHING “as seen on TV” is a lie. Hive Media’s job is to socially program society into PEG (Progressive Establishment Globalist) designed beliefs and assumptions. That covid-19 is a pandemic, that global warming is going to kill us and is controlled by mankind, that government is virtuous, that advertisers are salvation.
The covid-19 pandemic hoax is astounding. They’ve lied all along, so people quit questioning this lie a long time ago. With time and continuous repetition, the lie gains acceptance on the assumption that those repeatedly and continuously repeating this lie, would not do so if it were a lie.
Those complicit in this lie are collusive in its accomplishments. Harassing people for not obeying absurd new “norms,” killing small and medium business, closing churches, wrecking communities, giving God powers—by way of surrender—to government and corporations. Absolute rule. There is no US Constitution. Global Communism wins.
Shit People are those who religiously adhere to these lies. Shit People are those who give tooth to PEG lies, PEG violence. These are shit people:
This is one of the reasons why I’ve advised not to seek remedies from the legal system, as that is the center piece of PEG weaponry. Not law, but legal. There are no “legal” remedies, that’s what’s wrong. So we resort to law enforcement.
Armed Americans killing subversives, traitors. Armed with truth, diligence and when necessary, firearms, et. al.. Defenses against the violent attacks of America’s subversives, PEGs (Progressive Establishment Globalists).
These folks are our enemies, mortal enemies. They know that, so should you:
We are under attack by PEGs, their global agenda of communism, empowered by Shit People. World War Three. There are no conversations to be had, they are violence. Deception, manipulation and physical altercation, they are violence. Defend yourself. Protect your fellow Americans.
PEGs are the Gods of their own lies. They mandate we worship them. No. Kill their deceptions, manipulations and physical altercations. Kill them, or die from them. They hate us and are here to kill us.
History repeating itself; our turn.
Will you call bullshit on their lies, refuse masks, challenge their unlawful grab of power?
(By the way, manners are subversion.)
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.