Shit People Enable The Lies

Civil War 2020 David-daily Fundamentals

Liars lie, no surprise there. But shit people choose to believe those lies, giving liars power, fullfilling evil on earth. Always have, always will.

Americans are at the point of being utterly dominated by shit people and their masters, Progressive Establishment Globalists, PEGs. This is who and what they are, and why, I call them shit people.

It is about beliefs and aspirations.

We are bits of flora in God’s living creation, not Gods. We live a short while and die. Unless we die sooner. Everyone we know, our parents, siblings and children, all will die. We don’t like that. We want to be God, not bits of flora. But we are not, nor will we EVER be Gods.

That doesn’t stop people from “dreaming.” And scheming. And ruining the perfection of reality, with their natural insane desire to be Gods.

The need to be God is the perfect opening for psychopaths and their natural aptitudes of exploitation. Thus the history of mankind. Follow me without question, and I give you: certainty, entitlement and control!” Uh huh.

It really is the same old thing. Bullshit the gullible people into believing what they want to believe, mostly that they are not just flora of God’s living creation, but Gods in their own right(!), and lead them into behaviors that serve your interests. Careers!

Do they catch on? Many never do. Some are suspicious, but don’t look into it, as they WANT to be God. Others out grow it, loosing their religion. The best possibility is to become an American, as I define it. Spiritual, not religious. Too many though, willfully ignore their mistakes, and choose to support the lies that let them delude themselves into believing they are indeed Gods.

In other words, shit people. Willful incompetence is the essence of evil.

The problem.

We’re we all able to keep to our own business, shit people trying to be God would not matter so much. But shit people and their PEG leaders don’t allow that. They emphatically attack those who are not onboard their bullshit express. They don’t really believe their own bullshit and are completely insecure. They are Ego Driven Ideologies. Whatever the “specifics,” Ego Driven Ideologies are ALL pretty much the same: comply or die. That’s the problem. Unquestioned obedience is mandatory. A word common in today’s governance. Mandatory. Shit people hurt Americans by being shit people, giving power to PEGs, so that they can be Gods. Ego Driven Ideologies are the bullshit expresses of record.

Shit people, you don’t have to be shit people, but in choosing to support bullshit, rather than call it out, you choose to be shit people. So don’t complain when we do not like you and protect ourselves from you and your chosen overlords, the PEGs.

That’s a lot of talk about being an American.


Americanism, as I define it, begins with spiritual living. The defining quality of spiritual living is that you DON’T know, are not entitled, and are not in control. Never have been, never will be. Spirituality is trusting beyond your ability to see and understand. But within your ability to experience.

Also, liberty follows responsibility, it has too. To allow another to assume responsibility is to surrender your liberty to do so. Likewise, imposing a responsibility is to also take away liberty and mandate behavior. Neither of which is an authority we have over each other. Doing these is not-American as I define it.

Also, simple competence is the arbiter of correct, not consensus or “expertise” or just because you said so. And values are the arbiter of propriety, not consensus or “expertise” or just because you said so. We are free to be sincere, which means you cannot, must not, impose your values on me. Anything else is not-American, as I define it.

These are the barest, briefest points of Americanism as I define it. That last point, “as I define it” is important too, as in language, you can call anything anything, so I assert this understanding of Americanism, my understanding. Accept it or not. Just look and see that Americanism as I define it isn’t ideological, but practical and real.

No apologies from me.

I don’t like calling people: “shit people.” But when that is accurate, oh well. Shit people, you owe us Americans an apology. We don’t owe you shit. The idea of a class of people above another class of people is European, not American. Especially as I define it. You are fools, and property. Livestock of the PEG farmers, obey!

When you do not call bullshit on bullshit, you are at LEAST complicit in PEG evils, and a shit person.

Which is more important? Being polite or being honest?

Oh, the election? Chew on this:

Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!

Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.

Be American. Stay American!

David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.

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