When I assert that we are in World War Three, and that unless we kill our enemies, they will kill us, this assertion is soberly accurate. We are being attacked by deranged people, ego driven ideologies, that HAVE to kill us to maintain their delusions. They choose this. They live to enslave humanity into global communism, for their own good. Not ours.
These are Progressive Establishment Globalists. PEGs.
Subversives in open subversion. Domestic enemies. People who already kill the most innocent of us, the unborn, will celebrate even more the killing of us. And it is this government, these people, that already celebrate and pay for doing so. These are not my governments; this is not their country. That’s why they are HELL bent on killing us. To conquer and destroy America. Fucking DUH?
So you can surrender and die, or fight and live.
In fighting, we are fighting criminals. There isn’t any reasoning with them, you’ve just got to put them down.
Why do you think law enforcement itself is under attack, by the very same criminals?
PEG Operations:

More PEG Operations:
PEG’s Hive Media Circle of Protection for their Evil:
More PEG Operations, overseas:
These assholes are organized, global, communists. They are the beast of biblical lore, and have religious devotion to capturing and farming the people of the world. This isn’t new. But they’ve combined with large corporate organizations to cooperate in doing this. Are we theirs to pick and plunder? So far it looks that way. Too few Americans, too many not-Americans. They’re winning.
Is this our response?
What matters:
- We are under attack by Progressive Establishment Globalists (PEGs), both foreign and domestic, including subversive local office holders.
- They live to capture and farm us for their own benefit.
- These Communists are globally organized, and it is a religion.
- The pandemic hoax is their successful pretext to assert government God powers over us.
- They have no intention of letting those go.
- They are violating our US Constitutionally protected rights, with impunity, because the governments are subverted.
- These are acts of war, World War Three, of which unless we kill them, they will kill us. (I don’t want to kill anyone actually, but we ARE under a planned and active attack, by killers.)
- When crimes incur no costs, crimes will always succeed.
- Institutional organizations the world over are now re-purposed to enslave and exploit us by way of communist adherence.
- These are now criminal organizations, organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the Progressive Establishment Globalists.
- There are no legal solutions, as the legal practices are the first tool of subversion used to subdue and control us. Just look at the abuses of our US Constitutional “protections.”
- There is no social order, except for what we make of things. Look at what they’ve done!
- We HAVE to fight, or die.
Regarding the “pandemic,” it is not any worse than, if even, the seasonal flu. 94% of attributed covid-19 deaths are not covid-19 deaths. Only 6% of those reported deaths were solely from covid-19, per CDC reporting. If you don’t already know that, it is because you listen to Hive Media, and trust them.
Hoax related restrictions and mandates need to end immediately. I have the feeling they will, shortly after Donald Trump wins re-election. But we’ll have to wait and see. The PEG global plan is to use this forever. That’s why we gotta kill them.
If you’re a Democrat (or less so, a Republican), you’re stupid and evil. Its that. Who can honestly dispute the corruption of the two party system, now that you see PEGs joining forces across party lines, in opposition to Donald Trump? They are protecting their own empire of evil. Deep State corruption.
I’ve worked for both parties, and now neither. I am an American, not a Democrat or Republican. You can’t be an American and a Democrat or Republican. What’s clear though, is that being a Democrat of Republican is to also be a Republican or Democrat. Same damn people.
Of course, if you’re a PEG, then I’m the one stupid and evil. No doubt. Looks like we’ll have to agree to kill each other. You started it.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.