Lies are violence. That’s a big deal. People lie when they fail to live up to reality, but want to present themselves as competent anyway. This usually involves participation with other people, who have realistic expectations, that when working with liars, are cheated. By malice forethought.
Let’s not forget scams. Stealing, by way of violence, by way of deception and manipulation. Like this pandemic hoax we’ve been attacked with by the governments and corporations of the world. Progressive Establishment Globalists. (PEGs)
Willful incompetence is the essence of evil. Lies are necessarily willful incompetence, as when you lie, you intentionally deceive by stating something you know to be not true. This is different from being wrong about something. And you can lie, with your lie by chance being true, and that is still a lie. The violence, the evil, is in lying.
So that part is pretty well understood, all of us at some—or many—points in life, having lied.
Complicity in lies is also evil.
This is where lies really show their chaos. Mythos as reality. Fiction culture. Scams. When people go along with a lie, they are as evil as the liar who started it. This is why calling bullshit on bullshit is requisite to being an American. We do not go along with lies. But people not-American do. There’s something in it for them when they do.
Guilt binds people together into a shared danger of discovery and prosecution. So they are loyal to their chosen lie, and their fellow culprits, to the end of it. And EVERYTHING not part of that lie conspiracy—is dangerous to the lie conspiracy. This is the basis of “Us versus Them.” Deep State collaborators are united in this way.
As Americans we recognize all people with parity, not exclusion. We have no lies to protect; we are united in simple competence, not exploitation. This is legitimate inclusion and sustainability, not that crap coming out of the criminal organizations of the United Nations or World Economic Forum. Both the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are instruments, causes of evil.
When you choose not to call bullshit on bullshit, you subordinate yourself to the liar, and the liar’s roaming narrative. Until in truth do you part. Calling bullshit on bullshit is an ordinary part of being an American, and a starting point to becoming one, if you choose to be one.
The pandemic hoax and all the God powers stolen from us by governments and corporations are the war crimes of World War Three. The cost of freedom is diligence and assertive destruction of the lie. If you do not fight this lie, you are NOT an American. Say what you want about yourself, talk is cheap.
Are you an American? If not, do you want to be an American? If so, join this fight, world war three is on you, like it or not.
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.