Good grief! I exhibited lots of “humanity” today, making avoidable mistakes, missing steps in procedures, I even locked out my debit card—using my old pin. Duh. That’s me. I also still got lots done, even got a new student up to speed on a life changing tech adoption.
There is so much that I could complain about today, about me and stuff, but I’m not interested. I find myself funny, entertaining and entertained at the same time. Why? Because I still get to bumble, fix it, and carry on. That’s why.
Ego says no.
There was a time in which I would be very harsh with myself about this sort of thing. My ego would tell me what a utterly incompetent fool I happen to be—and I’d listen, and yell at myself. Pssshh… Not anymore. Go blow, ee go. 🙂
Now I think it is cute, when I do something and totally miss it. Like the moron that I am. How is this an advantage? Knowing that I’m a moron, I account for it in my doings. That’s the advantage. And it is true, and it works. We’re all morons in our own right. There are things we just mess up a lot, we just do. And its okay. We fix it, and carry on.
Patience from tolerance.
I’m much more patient today. I think it’s because I am much more tolerant. I am much more tolerant because I am accepting and appreciative of my limitations. Accepting and appreciating this about myself, I am also sensitive about it for other people. I don’t begrudge people their honest mistakes. The limit comes when something really needs to be done, and no more chances. But until then, keep at it.
It is such a difference, perfection defining normal, rather than being unobtainable. Spiritual life, rather than ego driven ideology. A benefit of choosing to be an American. Simple competence is still my arbiter of correct, and the objective of my work. But uh, human working here. Then I fix it. Hey, if it was worth doing once, its worth doing twice. Or something like that.
Is there anything you do on a regular basis, that you still mess up?
Thanks for the visit. Please share this if you like. See you next time!
Clarity, unity, organization, action. Let’s not fail where it counts.
Be American. Stay American!
David Weeks, Information Developer, Tampa, Florida.